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Breaking Free of Rx Psych Drugs

10 Steps to Regain Control of Your Hired Healthcare Services

Patient Rights, How to review drugs, report side effects and interactions, order copies of medical records, identify doctors and nurses in denial, and find prescribers who are aware and really care. 

When you have healthcare needs, it is important to choose the right place at the right time.
When you should go to: the Doctor, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

Example: How to review any drug, fast: Cymbalta Duloxetine

1. Basic information and precautions

2. Side effects tab

3. INTERACTIONS tab,cymbalta.html

The #1 best source of evidence; Cymbalta Duloxetine manufacturer's and FDA warning leaflets/ legal disclaimers. Download and use this evidence / legal disclaimer. Copy paste as reference and source of evidence.Repeat for each individual drug and over the counter medication, or ask for assistance. Review with your doctor, ideally before filling the prescription. Your prescriber should be glad to take time to review using the 2 best sources. This review is so important, so do not skip the step, HOW TO RESEARCH DRUGS.  Awareness reduces risks, increases safety, and helps us to make more informed decitions. 

Review before making changes, and before talking to a doctor again. 

Start Your Journey

Avoid making and repeating common mistakes and use this tips organized for best results. All tips approved by doctors, nurse practitioners, and Rx drug awareness experts. 
Sources provided when possible

Step 1

Review and Gather the Best Evidence Regardless of Your Situation: 

Write your report, instead of just telling your doctors of your concerns, drug warnings, and your experiences. For best results require prescribers to review drugs with you using the 2 best possible sources of reference. Most of the crazy and cruel things that quack doctors in denial will say, they can't prove and would never write, so this is a key tool. We do not necessarily want the narcissistic bully doctors and nurse practitioners to know of your awareness. Quacks can be dangerous and tend to lash out, and cause problems that are difficult or impossible to fix.  

I've collected tips and organized them to use for best results to protect patients and their medical records from doctors in denial.Some countries don’t give you a choice of healthcare providers, for these people with limits, the other steps in the 10 step method can help regardless of your situation. 

You have a right to document and report your experience, side effects, interactions, and injuries. The drug's waring leaflets / legal disclaimers indicate clearly to "Report all side effects to your doctor, and the authorities". 

There are increasing options for most of us to find a better doctor. There is clearly a new awareness which is helping on many levels.
Use certified letter proof of postage and delivery or your patient portal using screenshots or photos to create your own documentation. You need to require responses from doctors in writing, clearly posted on your medical record. Be aware: most doctors never want to document adverse effects of any treatment, not even treatment given by other doctors. This is so you can’t use the documents to sue the doctors, hospitals, or the Drug Companies.

>>> DO NOT ask the Dr or staff to help you to make your reports for you.
My former doctors all lied when they told me they would add my report to my records. It's wise to write one report, make copies, and mail to each of your doctors. 
Everything we mail to the doctors office is automatically entered to patient records. The patient's entries are more powerful than you might first guess.  

Avoid using the electronic methods, websites, email, fax, or other informal methods. The best option is document and report on paper, to create legally binding evidence created by the patient / victim / survivor, or their spouses or families as qualified. We survivors count, we matter! We are the solution to most of the problems.

or do this while you are at the Dr’s office. For best results the idea is to create documentation of your testimonial and experience, regardless of your plans to sue. The Drs should be ruling out other conditions, and offering tests, and not more drugs; not telling you not to come back if you reject their suggestions. Only those under court orders are forced to take Rx drugs or treatment.


>>>Patient Rights Allergy Alert Instructions and details: Look up patient right laws in your country.
Allergy Alert Instructions and details see step 3 below.

How to Prove Rx Psych Drugs are Dangerous, Addictive, and cause Rx Drug Injury, Serotonin Syndrome etc.

Step 2

Write to Create a TIMELINE of EVENTS:

List each drug you took and why they were offered.

Did the drug help? When did you start and change dose? How did you feel before and after changes?Write a list of when you started each drug or treatment, when dose changed, and when discontinued. Include when your symptoms started, worsened and improved, and any other personal testimonial of your experience.

Documenting your own reports protects you from Drs deleting and storing and claiming to lose patient records of those show signs of awareness or report side effects, or mention lawsuits.If you are taking more than one Rx psych drugs that is not advised by the manufacturer, you should show the Dr using, the site they use or the drug manufacturer’s website.

Lilly Drug Company makes Cymbalta and Prozac and other drugs with increased warnings of all SSRI SNRI antidepressants. Your Dr and pharmacist may not want to fully warn you.

Step 3

How and Why to Order Copies of your Medical Records

Check for errors, review entries made by the patient, labs, other doctors and nurses, and what (if anything) the Drs entered to document. 
The list of reasons you were advised to take a medication, test results to rule out other possible causes as normal protocol, diagnosis, and prognosis.

Reports of timelines of events, and reports of patient side effects the doctor said they would enter, and them for their time, or approved insurance to reimberse the healthcare provider or therapist. 

You should also be able to see the list of side effects and allergy alerts you've reported, along with your questions to the Dr and their responses in writing, all nice and for
mal for future reference. Quacks tend NOT to document any problems with Rx drugs or other treatments as a rule. 

Drs can’t remove or change what the patien
t enters formally, unless they claim they lost the records, so get a copy asap.

To avoid the office staff being suspicious of your awareness and efforts to create self-documentation, and essentially using your patient rights and going around the obstacle of the Dr that refuses to do the most basic part of the established routine that should be happening in all exam process.

Play it cool and avoid confronting doctors in denial or trying to educate them; they are already aware regardless of what they may say. A few doctors are genuenlly interested in how the drugs affect patients, because they normally only have information from the drug sales reps.

To avoid the common patterns of reaction from doctors in denial, and entering negative notations in the patient's records,
at least until you replace and secure a new doctor that passes your test, and successfully transfer your records to the new Dr.

The old Dr need never be aware of your shopping for a 2nd opinion.Now that you’ve made your entries, wait a few days for the records dept. to process, unless you have patient portal.


How to Order Copies of your Formal Medical Records:

Getting your medical records released to you sounds confusing, but the process is fairly straight forward. It can be somewhat lengthy, as gathering the needed forms and information takes time, but if you stay patient and follow protocol you can smoothly receive the records you need if you live in the U.S.. Some of this may be applicable elsewhere in the world.

Part One of Three:
Learning about Medical Records:
Get a Copy of Your Medical Records Step 1:

1. Know who can request medical records.
Medical records often contain highly sensitive and private information.
Only specific individuals have access to your medical records.

States vary in procedures and policy in regards to handing out medical records,
as do individual hospitals. However, federal law dictates that an individual has the
right to access his or her medical records, make copies, and request amendments.

For the most part, only you and your doctor have the right to access your medical records.[1]
In rare cases, you might need to obtain someone else's records.

2 Gather the necessary material. To obtain your records, you need certain materials. Make sure you know you have all the necessary paperwork filled out before beginning the process of requesting records.
Your healthcare provider's Health Information Management Department (HIM) can provide you with the authorization form specific to your hospital. This will need to be filled out in full.[4]

Information included in the authorization form varies from state to state and hospital to hospital. However, most forms ask for your address, date of birth, social security number, and phone number. You will also probably have to provide the dates you received treatment, what documents you want released, and your reasons for requesting the records.[5]
Many hospitals, in order to speed up the process, allow the authorization form to be filled out online. Check if this is an option at your hospital if completing the forms online is more convenient for you.[6]

When you go in to request your records, you will need a photo ID.[7]
(for best results use certified proof of delivery to create legally binding documentation for your records and future reference.)

3 Figure out what fees, if any, you need to pay. Fees vary from hospital to hospital, but there is specific protocol when it comes to charging for records. Be aware of this to avoid paying unlawful fees.
Hospitals do have the right to charge fees for medical records. However, these fees are limited to the costs of the labor required to obtain the records. In other words, your hospital cannot use your records to make a profit.[8]

Usually, a hospital will charge a fee based on the number of pages in your records.
There is a cap as to how much this fee is that varies from state to state.
In New York, it's 75 cents a page and in California it's 25 cents per page.

These days most medical records are provided on disk.
You may not be able to open the disk if you have an APPLE MAC computer. 

Know what the maximum price per page is in your state and make sure you're not being overcharged.
You can usually find this information on the Department of Health's website.[9]

To avoid these fees, ask your doctor to send the last SOAP
Note from your final visit, or if you are in the hospital, request the discharge summaries that were dictated by your physician.
Another way to avoid fees to order copies for your self, when approving to transfer medical records. Most doctors will not notice, if another doctor is ordering copies. 

You will need a direct authorization signed by the patient. If the patient is incapacitated, legal documents will be needed to waive the signature. However, protocol for requesting someone else's records is a subject of debate and confusion in the medical community. If you need someone else's medical records for any reason, discuss the issue with an attorney to figure out the procedures necessary to obtaining that information.[2]

Married couples do not have the right to one another's medical records and signed authorization is needed to obtain a spouse's records. Parents usually have access to the medical records of children under 18 but there are some exceptions. If, for example, a child is over 12 some states allow records regarding reproductive health and sexual history to remain confidential.[3] "

Part Two of Three:

Obtaining Your Records

Image titled Get a Copy of Your Medical Records: 
Know what documents to request. On the authorization form, you will be asked to select what kind of records you want. If you're unfamiliar with medical terminology, this can be confusing. However, for patients, the following forms are most useful for tracking medical history and transferring doctors.
Initial history and physical examination
Any consultation reports conducted by specialists. Consultation reports review the patient's history, explain their medical needs, and lay out the reason another physician's advise is being requested.[10]
Operative reports, which document the details of a surgery
Test results
Medication lists
Discharge reports, which include the dates you were dismissed from a hospital and any at home care your provider recommended[11]
Image titled Get a Copy of Your Medical Records Step 5
Decide how you want to receive your records. You have a variety of options when it comes to receiving your medical records. Paper copies are what is generally requested, but you can request digital copies as well. If your hospital uses electronic records system, you can get your records in the form of a CD or USB drive. You can also have your information sent through email. Figure out what is most convenient for you and then make the request.[12]
Image titled Get a Copy of Your Medical Records Step 6
Be prepared to wait. Receiving your medical records takes time. It is not a same day process and you should be aware of waiting periods.
Legally, your provider has to send you your records within 30 days of your initial request. They may be able to apply for a one time 30 day extension, but must explain the cause of this delay[13]
Most facilities will not take 30 days and, on average, the waiting time is 5 to 10 days.[14]
If you need your records because you are switching doctors or for insurance purposes, keep the waiting period in mind. Plan ahead and request your records well ahead of time.[15]

Part Three of Three:
Knowing Your Rights

1 Know your HIPAA Rights. HIPAA is the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act.
You should be informed of your HIPAA rights when you start treatment with a new doctor,
such as when you are admitted to a hospital or when you see a doctor for the first time.
In general, HIPAA gives you the right to access your medical information and keep it private.
This means that you have the right to:[16]

ask for a copy of your medical records.
request corrections to your medical records.
be notified about how your information may be used or shared.
decide how your information may be used.
get a report on how your information was used.
file a complaint. if you think your information is not being handled properly.

2 Know you are entitled to your medical records. You are entitled to your medical records.
This is federal law and a hospital cannot withhold records for any reason, including delinquent payment.
As stated, hospitals can charge for paper but they cannot charge a searching fee.
If a facility tries to refuse to release your records, or demands a hefty sum of money for their release, talk to an attorney. Refusal to release medical records is rare, but does sometimes occur.
Understand this is illegal.[17]

3 Understand what information doctors can withhold. While you are legally entitled to most medical records, a doctor has the legal right to refuse to release certain documents regarding your medical history.

These documents include:
Personal notes
Information regarding a minor over the age of 12, if the minor objects
Any information the physician believes will cause substantial harm to you or others
Information obtained from other physicians
Substance abuse records or mental health records[18]
Appeal a refusal, if necessary. In some cases, you might want or need certain information
a doctor can legally refuse to release.

If for example, you're transferring to a specialist a doctor's personal notes and observations can provide your new physician
important insight into your condition.

There is an appeal process if your provider refuses to release certain records.
Regulations vary from state to state.
Most states require you file a written appeal, citing your reasons for needing the information, to the Department of Health. Your provider must then submit an explanation for his or her refusal.[19]

A judge or committee decides whether or not the information should be released. If you win your appeal, your provider must legally release the documents. If you lose the appeal, the decision is final.[20]"



Step 4

Enter “All Rx Psychotropic Drugs” onto your medication Allergy Alert asap. 
The drug maker’s instructions tell us clearly to report all side effects to doctors to monitor. If they refuse to at least do that much, you should consider finding a new doctor. (Some countries don’t give you a choice – yes! We know.)

There are increasing options for most of us to find a better doctor. There is clearly a new awareness which is helping on many levels.
Use certified letter proof of postage and delivery or your patient portal using screenshots or photos to create your own documentation. You need to require responses from doctors in writing, clearly posted on your medical record. Be aware: most doctors never want to document adverse effects of any treatment, not even treatment given by other doctors. This is so you can’t use the documents to sue the doctors, hospitals, or the Drug Companies.

>>> DO NOT ask the Dr or staff to help you. DO NOT USE THE PHONE, or do this while you are at the Dr’s office. For best results the idea is to create documentation of your testimonial and experience, regardless of your plans to sue. The Drs should be ruling out other conditions, and offering tests, and not more drugs; not telling you not to come back if you reject their suggestions. Only those under court orders are forced to take Rx drugs or treatment.


>>>Patient Rights Allergy Alert Instructions and details:

Look up patient right laws in your country.


How to Prove Rx Psych Drugs are Dangerous, Addictive, and cause Rx Drug Injury, Serotonin Syndrome etc.

Activate your Medication Allergy Alerts: 

How to Report Side Effects, Injury, Interactions, and Medication Allergy Alerts

WRITE TO ENTER: "All psychotropic drugs" to your medication allergy alert**
using certified mail to your doctor to create legally binding documentation, and your online patient portal to formally enter to report your experience to your med
ical records, intake forms, and pharmacy accounts.
This method works fast and well, if the patient is still taking the drug or has never taken the drug. If the patient enters the information themselves, t
he Drs can't legally interfere.

Enter “All Rx Psychotropic Drugs” onto your medication Allergy Alert asap. 
The drug maker’s instructions tell us clearly to report all side effects to doctors to monitor, and avoid if allergic to any of the ingredients. 
If they refuse to honor or remove your Rx drug allergy alert, you
should consider finding a new doctor who does not deny patient rights.

Enter YOUR LIST OF SIDE EFFECTS and anything listed on the INTERACTIONS, if any, onto your Dr’s medical records department and/or patient portal online option.Include your reasons for wanting to slowly taper off Cymbalta at no more than 5% maximum reduction.

Hold at the same dose for at least 3 weeks, before further reduction. It can take up to 12 weeks for side effects to start, or longer, so go slow. Use side effects list that Drs use while you are in the office, make the Dr pull it up, or use our mobile device and show the Dr yourself.

The chemicals from Rx psych drugs are said to be gone after 2 weeks, but re-balance of serotonin can take time. For some, permanent injury or death are the result of drs and pharmacists whose education needs to be gently updated with this method to avoid any lapse in coverage or negative notes on one’s records, making it harder to find a replacement.Detox must wait until after withdrawal.

Over 90% of the body’s serotonin is located in the digestive tract, and it is not safe to change serotonin levels with ANY RX DRUGS.

Step 5

Quack Filtering Questions:

How to Identify Healthcare Professionals in Denial of Drug Warnings and Patient Rights.

Ask Drs questions and enter information through formal methods
and avoid using ONLY informal verbal methods of communication, when discussing important matters. D
rs are used to documentation for insurance and more, so should have no problems to actually help you document your information and respond to your questions.Also I’ve learned that the patient portal in my medical group now has the ability to add photos, so check to see if your patient portal has this update too. You can enter a before and after photo of your face, for example.

This is a big step in being counted, because we have been swept under the rug, isolated and blamed for being injured intentionally by Drs that too often claim they were unaware. This is not acceptable and we have to learn how to better manage our hired healthcare services. I’ve also asked for research and results from trusted sources, and the replies are documented.

In USA and perhaps other countries we have the ADA and that means that we can ask for special accommodations within reason to get the same service as anyone that is not disabled. Being temporarily disabled counts and those that have any side effects are technically disabled. If you have flu or PTSD you have a disability. Proving it is not required and they can’t ask you to prove it unless you are applying for eligibility.

To clarify, I am disabled but I have no benefits. (I have a note from my Dr that took me 11 years to get, that says I have FM and I’m disabled), so the drugs nearly killed me and now I’m a cripple. Oh and don’t let Drs fool you and tell you that they can’t certify or document you are disabled, because that is not true. All Drs can document disability, and the patient may use that to apply for benefits or for ANY OTHER REASON, as necessary.

4 Questions to Find Read Drs and Avoid Hiring Another Quack.

It may take some time to find a read Dr and these questions will help you filter out quacks.

Most Drs are quacks / narcissists, but there are some real Drs. Instead of returning to Drs who deny side effects, testing, documentation, diagnosis, and patient rights, start shopping for a real doctor.

Since quacks / narcissists are excellent deceivers and deny drug risks and reports of side effects from their patients, use these 4 questions to help you to avoid hiring yet another quack.

Trust me, I'd be dead if I did not find real Drs. Cancer Drs rejected me because I have Rx drug injury.
I almost died and had to get serious to find real drs as the cancer grew fast. I am now 8 months cancer free!

Trust me and try this.

  • 1. Does the Dr deny risks and side effects from Rx antidepressants.. or psych drugs?

  • 2. Does the Dr accept the 5% max reduction slow taper method with 2 to 6 weeks same dose, and see how you feel before further reduction to reduce many serious live threatening risks as listed by the drug company and fda?

  • 3. Does the Dr deny the patient's right to document their side effects and personal testimonials, and Rx medication allergy alerts?

  • 4. Does the Dr accept new patients with Rx drug injury serotonin syndrome?

    I require the doctor to reply to these and other questions to my satisfaction, before I agree to make the first appointment. This helps avoid hiring quacks, and also helps educate all who see the message, regardless of if the doctor returns my calls or not. Real doctors don't mind patients who help manage their own healthcare services. Quack however will not accept new patients that are aware, and may want to use their medical records for reports and lawsuits. 

Step 6

How to Inform Prescribers of your plans to slow taper

Inform your doctors and nurses, pharmacies, social workers, groups, families and friends.

Rx psych drugs are dangerous and unproven and awareness is critically important.  Risks increase with dose changes, starting and stopping, dose strength, length taken, and increased risks of interactions.

Risks are not limited to dose changes and can happen anytime after the first dose. 

If you have taken 7 days or less of any prescription psych drugs, you are advised to STOP without need to slow taper for months or years. Average time to slow taper 30 mg dose is 2.5 years. 

If you stopped or tappered too fast, risks increase and may continue after discontinuation, and in some cases after the chemicals are gone from the body. It is said that it takes 2 months for psych drugs to be gone from the body, but the effects can be longer, as serotonin and other chemicals in the body try to learn to rebalance naturally without drugs or other treatments that affect serotonin. 

There is no way to know how long side effects or injuries last, regardless of what doctors or any individuals may say or have experienced. Everyone recovers differently, while some injuries are permanent such as akathesia, and some are life threatening. Avoid starting medication that causes and worsens akathesia, serotonin syndrome, suicide, depression, anxiety, bipolor, and death. 

Do NOT start drugs that warn NEVER STOP OR CHANGE DOES OR RISK INJURY OR DEATH, SLOW TAPER REQUIRED, unless the drug is absolutely necessary. 
Rx psych drugs are nothing but trouble. 

Review before making changes. 

Step 7

Carefully replace 2nd rate healthcare professionals with 1st rate Drs. and spread awareness.4 Questions to Find Read Drs and Avoid Hiring Another Quack.

I am certain these steps will help you and at the same time help turn it all around, without denials, argument, abuse, neglect, and without the need for litigation. It takes time. I mean carefully updating a Drs education, or finding a new Dr that is willing to document side effects is a challenge. We have collected a ton of tips, to help members avoid most of the common problems, and stay safe, and stay free!These first few tips help fast, within 15 minutes and we try to get them to all members, before they report their side effects and before they go to the ER.Sample of results of the Rx drug allergy alert method!

Tip: Avoid telling Drs and people that you got information on Facebook. Instead find trusted sources to refer to as, “My trusted health and financial support network”.“AWARENESS reduces risks and failure, while increasing safety and success.”

Quote from Dr Peter Breggin“Go Slow and use the 5% maximum reduction slow taper method, or you may be in for a world of pain.” 

Step 8

Tips for Relief ~ What to Do and What to Avoid

What to Do: 
Read the 10 Step Method, before making changes, and before talking to a doctor again, to stay safer, protect yourself and your medical records, and remain free. 

See Tapering Tab
Inform your prescriber of the doctor approve 5% maximum reduction slow taper method.

Safe Tips for Relief

Inform your doctors and nurses, pharmacies, social workers, groups,
families and friends to warn them t
hese drugs are dangerous and unproven,
and awareness
is critically important.  
Tips for relief of side effects, withdrawal, and coping and 5% slow taper method. 

What to Avoid:
Avoid getting drugs from psychiatrists and doctors in denial.
Avoid reporting side effects, or showing signs of awareness, or trying to educate prescribers who you have identified as a quack. Quacks tend to refer Quacks.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol and starting new Rx psych drugs.

Step 9

How to find real doctors and nurse practitioners.

Get a spiral notebook for your medical journal and records of phone calls. 
Use one side of a page for each doctor's name you contact. 

Find lists of doctors and nurse practitioners on your medical group and or insurance group
's website, or search the internet for providers nearest you. 

You may have to go out of town or travel, but having a real doctor is worth the time and effort. This is not about which services are closest, but which care provider is most trustworthy. 

Step 10

Spread Awareness and help reduce suffering, addiction, suicide, and save lives.


Tip: To avoid common problems and arguments, I suggest to teach how to review any drug using and melatonin,
as an example. _______________. For more details

Treatments Insomnia Melatonin Print Save Melatonin
Generic name: melatonin 
Drug classes: Miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics, Nutraceutical products


You've Completed the 10 Step Method! 

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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