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Rx Psych Drug Survivor Quotes

A collection of quotes from Rx psych drug survivors everywhere. 

QUOTES from Rx Psych Drug Survivors: 
"Detoxing from Cymbalta is a journey through hell l would not wish on my worse enemy."

"I nearly died after 3 months of low dose Cymbalta taken as directed, for treatment of FM pain."

"The denial from my prescribing doctor of side effects and withdrawals made my hellacious journey with cymbalta even more frightening."

"I almost lost everything, my marriage, my family and most of all me! Everything I was disappeared while on Cymbalta. Now that I am off of it, my life has completely turned around for the better."

"The nastiest antidepressant ever to hit the pharma-scene. There’s hope to get off and never look back.""I have never heard my patients report problems""I have never heard of brain Zaps"

Doctor: "I am more experienced and in 15 years of prescribing these drugs, I've never heard a patient reports side effects." 


"Missing pill for one day won't give you any withdrawal symptoms.

From my doctor."

"Me, does this one have side effects or withdrawals like effexor?

Dr, no, none.

Um, it does, and the withdrawals are worse than effexor ever was. Thanks so called trusted Dr."

"I want you to try this, there are NO side effects- my doctor."


"Me: I don’t want to take anything so addictive as an experiment.

Doc: Oh you won’t get addicted to it. You might have trouble getting off of it though.”

Me: ...... 

I reused until they actually gave me a diagnosis as to what was wrong that required cymbalta. He refused, so I refused, and he then labeled me “non-complaint.” It’s still on the table and so I’m still staying informed about this drug.

It’s crazy-I have friends who swear by this stuff, and others who swear at you when you mention it."

"Dr. "Ive been prescribing rx antidepressants for 15 years, and no one ever reported side effects."

Me, "Well, now you cant say that anymore.".

Thinking to myself, " well of course you've never heard of the reports, they either stopped coming to that quack, or they tried to report and the doctor ignored them, or they died".

"Why would you listen to thousands who sit on facebook over someone who went to medical school. Cymbalta is a fantastic drug that helps millions.


"When doctor cut dose in half and I had horrible problems - doctor said it wasn’t from cymbalta it was original sxs returning

No it wasn’t because they were never my original symptoms - they were medication induced symptoms."

"Me.. will I experience any withdrawal effects by just stopping these drugs???? you shouldn't you were only on them for 2 years and both drugs are low dosages."

"Me (to my dr): This drug, Cymbalta, is awful. I think you’re trying to kill me. I think I would rather die than take this poison."

"Dr: Lets raise your dose to 120mg. Just give it a few weeks. You should start to feel better once enough Cymbalta gets into your system."

"Dr. "Ignore side effect, just suffer through. Here's a Rx for a higher dose."​

"Lilly co increased warnings to their 31 page manufacturers package insert, after the huge cymbalta lawsuit."


"I told my Dr today I had taken myself off today and she didn't want to hear anything about what I had to say...she just said

"Whatever makes you feel better" really right now? You had me on this poison for 3 years and lost my mind, it made my depression worst and did nothing for my fibromyalgia. Ugh!"

"Dr: You might as well try it and see what happens."

"WE ARE ALL BEACONS of HOPE, in the darkness."

Adding more from our support groups. ​


Mhana Mason Rx antidepressant survivor's Yelp Dr Leoni Quack

Saving my YELP: "PSA: Dr Leoni is a quack who denies risks of Rx drugs and side effects from the drug company and FDA, and refuses to document side effects. When I ordered my records for the mass personal injury lawsuit, i expected to find my list of 200 side effects I paid to report in exam appointment, as the drug's waring leaflet / legal disclaimer instructs.

I asked if antidepressants were risky or addictive and he lied to me, and said, "the risks are rare, and it's not addictive". Both are untrue.
I asked the doctor 5 times for the drug warnings, (2 times in exam appointment, on 2 different dates, asking for the research results) and he handed me a google print out 1 paragraph, I still have that in my files.

I agreed reluctantly to try it only because he reassured me that antidepressants are not additive or risky. The drugs warnings that came with the sample bottle were so scary, I started having heart palpitations while reading it. The actual warning leaflet was at that time 31 pages in length, but after the cymbalta lawsuit, the warnings are now increased for serotonin syndrome, and allergic reactions, and now 37 pages in length. Had i got the 1st prescription from the pharmacy, their policy is require request a face to face consult, and like up to 97% of patients, never get or see the leaflets.

Most pharmacies intentionally hide the warnings, or few people would start mood mind altering drugs. I was tricked to taking gabapentin and prozac and almost died when Dr Leoni told me to switch to cymbalta. ... one of the worst of the antidepressant drugs. Little did I know that drs and pharmacies are not obligated to warn or include the drug's warning leaflets / legal disclaimers but you can bet drs in denial and pharmacies who get sued a lot will deny misleading people, the risks, and that they profit from the chaos they create.

The FDA Black Box Warning Label includes the strongest warnings allowed by law and are forced on the drug company legal disclaimers, to warn the consumer, caregivers, and that includes the prescriber.

The drug companies intentionally refuse to include the doctor approved 5% maximum reduction slow taper method, or any method whatsoever.

As per the patterns of quacks, Dr Leoni refused to return my urgent calls to report side effects for 4 days. I was in pain and didn't know what was happening then. Dr James Leoni guessed a whopping "50% reduction, and told me if i did not taper, I was in for a would of pain". What he didn't say was the drug company advises to STOP the drug if severe side effects serotonin syndrome or allergic reaction, and other certain situations.

The risks listed are NOT rare as Dr Leoni would have patients believe. I have come to learn that the risks are common and up to 78% of people have
All Rx antidepressant warnings are the same, and the 1st warnings are suicide, sexual dysfunction, serotonin syndrome, depression, bipolar, anxiety, black out, change of personality, hallucinations, involuntary muscle movement and neuropathy, and 500 more warnings most drs will tell you to ignore, like Dr Leoni. The truth is we have the right to know, and a lot of testimonies of experts, injured, and deaths, before the FDA includes a warning.

If your Dr tells you to ignore the drug and FDA warnings, that is a big red flag, especially if they have not reviewed the drug with the patient. Most people do not now how to review drugs or what many of the terms mean, such as carcinogenesis = causes the start of cancer cell growth. I never hire drs in denial anymore and awareness is spreading. All my doctors are aware and never deny drug risks or patient reports of side effects, but there is no help or support for those injured by psych drugs, or doctors, nurses, and pharmacies, and caregivers, in denial.

Changing serotonin in the body is risky and dangerous, and not necessary or proven medically beneficial. The drug leaflets claim that up to 60% of people get a 10%+/- effectiveness compared to placebo, and fades to 1% in a few months.

The drug companies do not tell you that if you take any Rx psych drug or anticonvulsant drugs more than 7 days, a slow taper is required for months or years. 2 to 6 weeks between dose changes.

Average time to slow taper is 2.5 years.
Risks are not limited to withdrawal, and may continue or not start until long after discontinuation. Risks increase with dose changes, switching drugs, skipping doses or taking more than once daily, dose strength, length taken, and increase with any drug food interactions as listed by the drug company, or other trusted source.

The Dangers of Antidepressants
Cymbalta Duloxetine Survivors Support Group
Do No Harm
Rx Drug Allergy Awareness Movement
Petaluma in the Know

I am a survivor and Rx antidepressants and anticonvulsants, and a champion of Rx drug awareness. Learn how to review drugs, require the dr to review with you properly, and stop talking to drs in denial. There are real drs, so please DO NOT FEED THE QUACKS.

I don't think Yelp allows links so this is stuffed with as much as possible.
I THOUGHT i already did this so i am documenting it here. I can use group search feature and find any other YELPS from me or other members. The Sutter drs are the worst in my opinion but quacks are everywhere.

>>>> HOW to find real drs? It's a lot of work and luck.

The Dr refused to document my side effects
The Medical Board refused to document my side effects or take action against the doctor for not properly warning me, not providing normal tests to rule out other possible causes, and refusing to document the 200+ side effects and interactions, and for refusing to return my urgent phone calls trying to report side effects as the drug warning leaflets indicate. 

I've since learned why the dr responded this way, and after ordering copies of my medical records, i was shocked to find the doctor entered "Normal Side Effects". I'm glad to share my insight with anyone interested in the facts, safety, recovery, and freedom. Don't make the same mistake I did and so many others. 
Don't fall for the denials, and the well rehearsed lies from doctors who only care about money and power. 

There ought to be a law but the lawyers and quack are aware of the laws and how to trick us, so it's time we all learned the patterns of quackery, how to research and report adverse affects of Rx drugs, and how to hire real doctors and nurse practitioners.  

All my current doctors and nurses approve of my

10 step method and tips, as well as Rx drug awareness experts

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. The responsibility to
research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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