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Rock in Sand

Tips for Relief

Doctor approved tips for relief from
Side effects, Withdrawal Symptoms, and Detox

What to Avoid

(More warnings than are listed on the drug's warning leaflets; some listed and some not)

Rx Drug Psych Drug Warnings of Don’ts come first.

1. Never STOP or Change Dose Suddenly, or “MAY” cause injury or death. The drugs warning leaflets also include, UNLESS SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS OR ALLERGIC REACTIONS.

2. Never START for any reason. (other than 25% reinstatement method 
See Tapering Tab

3. Never reinstate after 21 days. Starting and stopping and dose changes, dose strength, length taken, and interactions increase risks. Only in rare cases should anyone start or reinstate Rx psych drugs. After only 7 days the 5% maximum reduction slow taper is advised to reduce risk of withdrawal, injury, and death. 

4. If you have taken 7 to10 days or less, you are advised to STOP, without need for 5%max slow taper method.

5. Never reduce dose more than 5% maximum reduction, to reduce risks that may not start for months or years, after discontinuation. Start slow taper at 2% reduction, same daily steady dosage for 1 month, and see how you feel, before reducing further. 
See tapering tab 

6. Never think that you are not at risks because you have no NOTICEABLE adverse reactions. Many side effects are not noticeable, or may not start or be discovered for months or years after starting, and risks may continue after discontinuation and withdrawal. 

7. Never advise others to start taking Rx Psych drugs or quit cold turkey.
Anything that warns it changes serotonin or NEVER STOP, are to be reviewed very carefully. Require prescribers, pharmacies, and everyone to include the drug's warnings and legal disclaimers, ideally before filling the prescription, and before trying the first dose. 

8. Never use Rx psych drugs, because they are proven dangerous and addictive, and  have no scientific evidence of their ever being more beneficial than a double blind placebo effect. (sugar pills). Ask you Dr to show you the sources they trust and show them the drug's online warning leaflets.   

9. Never try to change your serotonin levels. Allow your brain and body to re-balance, without interference. Changing serotonin is dangerous, and inhibiting serotonin can be fatal.

10. Never trust your prescriber over the warnings and legal disclaimers. The problems are not rare. What is rare are prescribers and patients who write to formally report the problems to patient records, and authorities, as the drug's warning leaflet's indicate. 
See Side Effects tab 

11. Never hire or return to hired healthcare services, that you do not feel are serving you. There are good Drs.

12. Never feel forced to start Rx psych drugs. Protect yourself and your loved ones, by using our 7 step method. (See Table of Contents).

13. Never allow Drs to deny or require you suffer through adverse or allergic reactions, and avoid documentation. Report your adverse effects to Drs, to your Drs. Instead, write a list, and mail certified to the Dr’s medical group.

14. Never advise others to stop cold turkey, or reduce faster than 5% maximum reduction method. If you share your experience, please use that as an opportunity to warn others, not to change dose suddenly.

15. Do not change dose or add new Rx psych drugs, or other medication to treat mood, or emotions, or adverse effects.


16. Avoid Melatonin, Tryptophan, 5-HTTP, GABA, St John’s Wort, Kratom, Soy, or anything that changes serotonin. You may use treatments not advised, here, but you have been warned.

17. Havening Therapy  

18. Avoid Eliminate chemicals which means no processed foods, (processed sugar, white flour, and wheat products (gluten) are the hardest as we are addicted). It is essential to eliminate all sugar as it can cause severe mood swings, depression, and anxiety. * Avoid GMO's and animal products that have have been massed produced.
No pre-packaged or canned food


19. No caffeine

20. No Alcohol 


What to Do

There’s no better way to reach success than getting the help you need at the right moment. Fill out the form below today to discover some of the most effective ways to stay ahead of the competition.


  1. Do stay safe, no sudden changes, learn more, and use common sense. 

  2. Document your side effects/adverse reactions and interactions and your experience, in writing to avoid interference from Drs that do not want to document treatment gone wrong. Good Drs will not fear documenting and providing proper services and testing.

  3. Do learn about medication spellbinding and not to change serotonin levels and why.

  4. Do eat well and avoid pesticides, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, GMOs, and foods that may trigger or increase adverse reactions, such as soy, and alcohol. See for interactions list.

  5. Avoid toxins in the environment, and toxic situations, and toxic people. Detoxing our environment is very challenging and there are no Rx drugs to help detox.

  6. Eat or drink as many clean fruit and veggies as possible. Dairy products but we must understand that these are a lot of dietary changes all at once which is easy for no one. But it can work if done little by little everyday.

  7. Drink clean water filtering out the fluoride and other junk - filtered water

  8. Exchange animal protein for vegetable protein*Eat four to five small meals a day with each having some protein

  9. Green tea without caffeine

  10. Juicing is great but avoid sudden changes in diet during detox and while tapering!

  11. Noni Juice  

  12. Cilantro in the diet helps to stop the cramping and the odd Cymbalta tummy feeling and pain.

  13. Our gut is our second brain so it must be strengthened along with the immune system.


  14. Probiotics (if not taken by eating yogurt (without sugar), kefir or fermented veggies everyday)

  15. Omega 3,6,9 - the Omega 3's are great for getting rid of brain zaps and headaches!

  16. When taking the Omega 3's you may want to take vitamin E because the vitamin E in the body is used up by the Omega 3's.

  17. Vitamin B complex and niacin (niacin when completely off of Cymbalta) - be very careful with niacin and do not take more than the daily recommended dosage.

  18. Magnesium Citrate, Malate, or Threonate are the best kinds of Magnesium to take as they have the most absorption in the body. Stay away from Magnesium Oxide because it only has a 4% absorption rate. Magnesium is great for relaxing the muscles, sleeping, and restless leg syndrome.

  19. Get your vitamin D levels checked as most of the population are deficient in vitamin D. Not being in the optimal range for vitamin D can leave you open to many illnesses including depression, anxiety, and cancer. Please do not take vitamin D supplements unless you get your levels checked! Too much vitamin D can be toxic to the body.

  20. Turmeric with Curcumin - it is essential when you buy the Turmeric that it has Curcumin as this helps with the healing. Take three small peppercorns with it because they help to absorb the Turmeric and Curcumin into the body. Turmeric and Curcumin are great for inflammation in the body. If you take to much it may cause nausea!

  21. *Liver detox supplements such as Adrenalplex which can be bought at Amazon.

  22. Daily multi vitamin such as Super Multiple II which can be bought at Amazon

  23. Cuddles and Pet Therapy: Cats and Dogs and pet cuddles. People cuddles n hugs, message and hand holding.

  24. Aromatherapy*Light exercise

  25. Tea and a treat with a friend

  26. Thai Chi on Youtube and Cymbalta limp of 9 months went away.....i did three moves in three days and side effects reduced

  27. Diet is just one issue. But it's a huge one because it's usually it means a major lifestyle change for most people. Having someone to call or come and stay with you when needed is very important during down periods. "While weaning or under the influences of the myriad symptoms due to the syndrome/allergy or what not of the poison, having the right kind of supporters around is crucial. Having info for them is so important. . . How to be an Empathetic supporter of your family member or friend while trying to understand the unimaginable."

  28. Look for medical experts that have safety highest priority, and can help guide you through and that have an emphasis on a more holistic nonprescription drug approach.

  29. Pictures, crafts and music therapy

  30. Loud rocking music on headphones helps some people a lot as does soft classical or jazz for others.

  31. Meditation of some sort and quieter music.. or crafts or a computer game *Youtube has tutorials on everything you can think of.. so fun to see new inventions or take Thai chi class via Youtube. *Peace and quiet and sunshine. Someone recommended a daylight-lamp.
    Medical Marijuana is effective and available in many regions. Find support if you are not experienced. THC and CBD.

  32. From a post CBD Cannabis OIL : According to my doctor (he put me on 1:20 CBD cannabis oil ), said it will be very helpful in recovery and hopefully repair. Our brains are made up of a lot of fats and oils. That's why the oil, including the other oils Vitamin E, D3, Omega #3, cod liver oil,coconut oil are so important. " oils will be the most effective for the brain". That's where the last of the residual Cipralex /Lexapro is in my fat cells of my brain i'm sure, and it Makes sense to me, getting a lot better, the 1:20 CBD cannabis oil did straighten out my serotonin levels pretty quick. Very helpful to get over that nasty hump and into recovery. He prescribed it specifically to level out my serotonin levels, as he said I'm sure the residual lexapro/Cipralex in your brain is causing the sever imbalances. "Oils will be the Key" Kaz Amoto.  

  33. Go to and enter the name of any drug or over the counter medication to drugs.comd more.
    Use this site Drs use, and review drugs at a glance, ideally before you start taking them.

  34. Scroll down a bit and select the version of the drug you are taking or interested in learning more about.
    Review precautions, side effects, dosage, food drug disease interactions, FDA alerts.

34. Find the drug manufacturer's warning online so you can read the updates and have the undeniable source to the drug company's and FDA warnings on any drug. The Drs and pharmacies figured out they are not responsible for warning, and often remove the warning leaflets from the packages, and refills, and toss the warnings federally mandated to the consumers, into the trash. This is why most people taking antidepressants and other drugs, are completely unaware of the risks, side effects, and FDA Black Box Warnings of suicide and hundreds of listed side effects.

Side effects are NOT evidence of mental illness.

Disclaimer: All advice is confirmed effective and safe, by Doctors experts, and to the best of our knowledge.

Please feel free to make suggestions, corrections, and updates. Thank you.


I advise educating yourself and your supporters about general health and Rx drug and other toxins and imbalances. I'm skeptical about the push for vegetarian options above as a cure all for all people. I've learned that you need to be very specific about what dietary changes are appropriate for you.

Nurturing good health is a work in progress and must be done with care.

The real truth: antidepressants actually deplete these 3 crucial nutrients for the brain

(Steve Dunning, a concerned person who reads a bit on this issue.).....This link I saw today covers some interesting suggestions about diet. I started looking up COQ10, and apparently, it's very rich in organ meats...these may be particularly helpful in dealing with some of these nutritional issues from ssri drugs.


Reinstatement of Rx Psych Drugs


How to Slowly Reinstate Psych Drugs including all Antidepressants 1/4 Increase Method and Never Stop Cold Turkey: This note is an effort to support those in crisis, that have suddenly discontinued their Rx Antidepressant and can’t find the information to show their Drs.

Changing Serotonin can be very dangerous, and the labels warn, “NEVER STOP OR CHANGE DOSE SUDDENLY OR RISK INJURY OR DEATH”

Click here for more details

New Resource: A doctor gave me this for ordering "Tapering Strips".

Do they make tapering strips, for your medication?

Cymbalta Duloxetine doesn't liquefy, so we look forward to news for taper strips for Cymbalta Duloxetine

To inquire or order:



DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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