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How to Slowly Reinstate
antidepressants and all Psych Drugs 

If you've started any type of Rx psych drug in the past 7 days,
(antidepressants, benzos, or anticonvulsant drugs),
you are strongly advised to STOP without slow taper for months and years. 

Risks increase with dose changes, does strength, length taken, and interactions as listed on the drug's warning leaflet, and 

The ONLY way we can advise is the 5% max reduction slow taper method because faster is just too risky. I can tell you that up to 78% of people who take antidepressants end up reinstating and having, especially if tapered too fast, or stopped cold turkey. Safety first.

Withdrawal symptoms are not the only risk. Black outs, Suicide, Serotonin Syndrome and more.  

Find the doctor approved 5% slow taper method here. 

Reinstatement Instructions here. 

Tips for Relief 


How to Slowly Reinstate Psych Drugs including all Antidepressants

25% Increase Method and Never Stop Cold Turkey:

This note is an effort to support those in crisis, that have suddenly discontinued their Rx Antidepressant and can’t find the information to show their Drs.

Changing Serotonin and drugs that change serotonin can be very dangerous, even 1 pill.
Risks increase with dose changes, start and stop, dose strength, length taken, and interactions.
he labels warn, “NEVER STOP OR CHANGE DOSE SUDDENLY OR RISK INJURY OR DEATH”, unless serious side effects or allergic reactions, or in certain situations, such as pregnancy, surgery, or the need to start a different drug that interacts to increase risks listed. 


Up to 97% of all pharmacies and Drs do not want patients / consumers to see the warnings and precautions. We must find the drug’s warnings ourselves online, and teach one another how to find these undeniable warnings. The warnings leave out a lot but many people suffered or died if the warnings are on the warnings from FDA and drug company.

The FDA forces warnings to consumers to allow sales on the market, but Drs and pharmacies are not obligated to warn.

BEFORE you you do anything else, find these two undeniable source, in your references and written reports. Avoid just telling your Dr or asking them to do it for you:

A. Find the drug’s manufacturer’s 37 page warning leaflet your pharmacy likely tossed in the trash.
Cymbalta Duluxetine: HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION These highlights do not include all the information needed to use CYMBALTA safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for CYMBALTA. CYMBALTA (duloxetine delayed-release capsules), for oral use Initial U.S. Approval: 2004

PAGE 1 OF 37 PAGES check for updates and FDA alerts, and more! This is what most Drs and pharmacies are hiding from you. Trust me, many people suffered and died before the authorities forced these drugs to warn consumers. They leave out a lot, but if they warn of a risk, that means it's a real risk and not rare. The only thing that makes it rare is that most Drs do not document, so we document our own records, without asking for permission or assistance or allowing interference. We are the boss of our hired healthcare services.

See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning.
• Increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, adolescents, and young adults taking antidepressants
• Monitor for worsening and emergence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. website Drs use, and review the list of side effects, precautions, food drug and disease interactions, FDA alerts and updates, and more at a glance. Currently displaying a list of 562 drugs known to interact with Cymbalta (duloxetine). 101 major drug interactions 438 moderate drug interactions 23 minor drug interactions,cymbalta-index.html.

The reinstatement window is 21 days. After 21 Days, reinstatement is not advised.

Please make every effort to contact your doctor, and share this information, linked below to underscore the need for safety, and reinstatement, including an appropriately slow and safest method. Your doctor can NOT force you to take or continue to take medication unless under court order or other certain situations. See more here. 

Disclaimer: In an emergency contact your ER or emergency personal in your area. . Always ask if the person is taking medication, or more than one medication. If taking more than one medication advise to review on

1. 1/4 dose increase, until back to the last steady dosage you were taking. 

2. Be sure to stabilize same dose for at least 3 weeks, before starting the 5% max slow taper method.
3. Plan a slow taper method and read and use the 10 step method before you make changes, and before you talk to the next Dr.

~When reinstating people need to work their way back up to the dose where they last felt alright or the last steady dosage.
~The window to reinstate closes after 21 days, unless a doctor provides a valid reason.
Experts and doctors say that the time period, or “window” for reinstatement of
an antidepressant is very short. Reinstate is recommended if your dose was changed too suddenly. The term Cold Turkey refers to “Quitting” Cold Turkey suddenly.

Sudden dose changes (or no changes) can result in hundreds of serious side effects, and other risks, so we must advise to be as safe as possible. Share this note with anyone that needs to reinstate to stabilize, before they attempt to taper off, using the safe slow bead counting taper method with 2 to 6 weeks at the same dose, before further reduction.
See Weaning/Taper Note and other notes before you make any changes, and before you talk to the next Dr.
We would NEVER tell anyone to reinstate after 3 weeks. We’ve have seen what can happen!
 Sad Truth


We do NOT advise to taper off of delayed release Cymbalta larger pellets.
In that case suggested that their doctor to switch the patient to the regular Cymbalta with micro-beads,
to aid in the 5% maximum reduction slow taper method. (or slower)


Compounding pharmacy: Use a compounding pharmacist near you, if you need help dividing doses.
Use a taper capsule for you, if you don't have a compounding pharmacist near you. Will need a doctor's prescription.

You do not need a prescription, or the Drs permission to start a slow taper,
but we strongly advise that you plan well, make no hasty changes, and find a Dr that is not in denial,
for best results. You will need to be monitored at least every 3 months by a Dr and if you get adverse reactions,
it’s best to have a real Dr you can trust already in place.

Use the 7 step method and quack filter notes, before you talk to the next Dr. See files tab, or links below.

. The Safe Bead Taper/Wean Method for Tapering Off of all Rx Antidepressants, including Cymbalta. 2% to a 5% reduction, stabilize for a few weeks between further reduction.


. Preparing For Your Rx Cymbalta/ Antidepressant 2% -5% max Reduction Slow Taper Method, and Detox.

. If needed, Dial 911 in an emergency in the USA and emergency personnel in your country. Let our admins or moderators know, if you are in crisis or need reviewing before you move forward. Stay safe, and remain free.

Group files tab: tab: our group’s pinned post. Join Cymbalta Survivors Support Group for a private group, more support, and our entire collection of tips.
The Safe Bead Taper/Wean Method for Tapering Off of all Rx Antidepressants, including Cymbalta. 2% to a 5% reduction, stabilize for a few weeks between further reduction.

If needed, Dial 911 in an emergency in the USA and emergency personnel in your country.


Reinstatement Guidelines


There is only a 2 (possibly 3) week reinstatement window where it is (somewhat) safe to go back onto the drug to try to reverse the withdrawal, but only if no other antidepressants have been added and the person did not alternate days more than 2 (possibly 3) weeks.  After that window passes, the person is left to deal with whatever comes their way. 

There is no known "cure" treatment for protracted withdrawal once it starts.  It takes time to recover and the body learn to rebalance serotonin naturally without drugs or anything that changes serotonin, even natural and non prescription treatments. 


Cymbalta Duloxetine Survivors Support Group, and I

  1. Possibly withdrawal

  2. Nothing...and then you'd be back on full dose, still in withdrawal and still needing to slow taper off the drug.

  3. Produce an unforeseen outcome that could make withdrawal worse, or cause other unpredictable damages, (i.e. akathisia, dystonia, seizures, dangerous impulses, induced suicidal, homicidal or violent thoughts and actions)



Reinstating does not come without risks, and reinstating outside the window is particularly risky.  Ideally it should be done under the care of a knowledgeable physician, however, many do not understand how severe or long-lasting the withdrawal from Cymbalta can be, or how to properly taper or reinstate the drug.


Making large increases can be just as dangerous as making large decreases.  When reinstating, gradually step back up to your last dose. 

Preparing For Your Rx Cymbalta/ Antidepressant 5% max Reduction Slow Taper Method, and Detox

Being prepared and fully understanding the process will help to ensure a successful taper.
Click Blue Text to link to more details
Tiny Beads vs Larger Pellets

The Tiny Micro-Beads are the Correct type of medication to use to slow taper. 

Ask for help, if you are not able to read due to side effects. 
Learn the correct way to bead count or weigh beads.  

Read the tapering instructions and ask questions if unsure.
If you have taken 7 days or less of any Antidepressant or psych drug, you are advised to STOP without need for slow taper.

If you discontinued less than 21 days ago / 3 weeks, you are advised to reinstate using our “Reinstatement”.
If you discontinued more than 21 days ago, you are advised not to reinstate or add other drugs. Unfortunately, the window to reinstate slams shut after 21 days. Changing serotonin is risky and reinstatement is not advised after this window. Focus on detox and healing, and recovering.  

The drug manufacturer’s labels on all Rx psychotropic drugs including antidepressants warn, “NEVER STOP OR CHANGE DOSE SUDDENLY OR RISK INJURY, SUICIDE, AND DEATH.” ...unless sever side effects or allergic reaction, or certain situations. 
These risks can continue, well after discontinuation. 

Slow taper of 5% maximum reduction is the RULE to reduce many risks for years into the future. Do not be tempted to stop or taper faster than 5% reduction. Serious life threatening Rx drug injury, serotonin syndrome, akathesia, dystonia and hundreds of other adverse effects are to be avoided. 

Do not add new drugs or increase dose to use as a bridge or other reasons.
See for interactions, side effects, disease precautions, FDA alerts, and more.

Generic and Brand Name Cymbalta are not the same. Insurance may not pay for brand name Cymbalta, but due to the slow taper, the need for refills are greatly reduced. 

Fact: There are no test results from double blind tests in controlled settings using placebo to prove that Rx antidepressants are pain reliever, or have any medicinal benefit. At the same time, these drugs are all in the highest level of lethality allowed by law, and the package warns of many serious risks.

Some side effects are temporary, while others are permanent.

The warnings on the label if you got one, indicates many warnings that are not rare, and can happen after only 1 pill or years of taking the medication.


The warnings are actually legal disclaimers. 

How we report side effects and interactions is critically important. Instead of telling your Dr about your side effects and or interactions, write a list and use formal methods of communication and our 7 step method and other tips located in FILES tab.

If you need a slow taper spreadsheet, please see the tapering instructions to request one.
Speak to your pharmacist about always getting the same brand.
Gather necessary supplies and start a tapering journal.


Document Everything!

Stabilize at same dose for at least 3 weeks, when starting your taper, or after reinstating.
Purchase good quality supplements, organic GMO free, and avoid pesticides, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, unnecessary chemicals, toxins, and toxic people including quacks. 

Eliminate refined foods, sugars, sweeteners, dairy, simple carbs, white flour, caffeine, and alcohol. Fresh juices and soups are easy ways to absorb nutrients and control ingredients. Juice and cook at home, ask friends and family for help, or find resources locally.

Stock freezer for healthy meals (fresh and not ore-packaged) for bad days.
Movement, exercise, meditation, and breathing exercises to your routine.
Increase filtered water intake and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

Do not be hard on yourself or think that anyone is disappointed that you have not yet started your taper. 
We understand that it’s hard to stop taking Rx antidepressants. 

It’s highly addictive but has no cravings. The goal is to slowly wean off the drug must slower than most Doctors “suggest”. 

We advice to research and stabilize, before attempting to slowly taper off of Rx Antidepressants. Treatment includes detox of the body that can take different lengths of time for different people.  

Inform your Doctor of your plans to start the Doctor approved slower taper method at 2% reduction, to be safer and reduce withdrawal, and the dangerous side effects and injury. The drug can cause black outs, and a well known long list of serious side effects, especially if the dose is suddenly changed.


DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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