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Women Holding Hands

Breaking Free of Rx Psych Drugs

Getting Started

Ideally review drugs before filling the prescription, and before taking the first dose, but it's never too late to update our awareness. 

Review, organize, plan, and avoid common mistakes, stay safer, and remain free. 

How to review drugs, How to identify doctors in denial, how to carefully replace doctors in denial, 5% maximum slow taper method, how to report side effects and drug interactions, the Rx drug allergy alert, how to order copies of your medical records, and more. 


Review before making changes, and before talking to a doctor again. 

How to write a formal report of side effects

How to identify prescribers in denial. 

How to instate your Rx medication allergy alerts and why. 

How to respond if you don't find the support you deserve. 

How to avoid fix and avoid problems 

What you need to know if you want to report to authorities as the drugs leaflets indicate.

What you'll need to sue the prescriber, facility, pharmacy, or drug company. 

How to prepare and inform your prescribers of the doctor approved 5% maximum slow taper method to reduce serious risks, harm, and life threatening injury. 

How to respond to doctors in denial. 

How to find doctors onboard with safety. 

How to order copies of your medical records and why. 

How to research any drug in 5 minutes

How to show your doctor the drug warning leaflets from the drug companies and FDA, and other sources used as evidence. 

The first Rx psych drug awareness graphic I made to spread awareness, help the public and survivors to make more informed decisions, reduce injury, suicide, suffering, and save lives. 

Safety 1st


Making large increases can be just as dangerous as making large decreases.  When reinstating, gradually step back up to your last dose. 

How to Know if You Need to Go to the Emergency Room
or Call Emergency Personell

Serotonin Syndrome, Allergic Reactions, Suicidal Thoughts, Fever, Hallucinations, Seizures, Rash, High Blood Pressure, High Heart Rate, Difficulty Breathing, Blurred Vision etc 

How do you know when you need emergency personal or go to the Emergency Room? When to seek medical care from Dr, Urgent Care, and ER Emergency Room. Contact Emergency Personnel if required. Serotonin Syndrome can be life threatening and is not rare, and can continue for many years, after discontinuance. A slow 5% maximum reduction taper is advised to avoid numerous and serious life threatening complications. The health pros can determine if you're suffering from the drugs or from something unrelated, or related....with your awareness. We advise ENTERING SSRIs and SNRIs onto your formal medical records, dr and hospital intake forms, and update your pharmacy. Unfortunately, a long going cover up of facts, risks by mainstream medical machine, requires some awareness and preparation to increase success and decrease risks of harm and losing one's freedom, rights, and life, due to the ill advise of the unaware, or those with different agendas than safety and well being. Drs often say there is nothing wrong, refer to specialists or withdraw clinics, all ill prepared to educate, support, test, diagnose, treat, and provide a prognosis, unless you WRITE to ask for formal written reply, from the health professional that is in denial or ignorant of the truth, and HOW TO PROPERLY RESPOND. We are learning, from the good drs how to properly respond! We are teaching and making a difference. We can help you deal with cooperative and uncooperative drs. The RxDAAM 7 Steps to spread awareness and STOP Rx Drug Madness! Slideshow. See the welcome pinned post and group tabs. Post if you need support, have questions or tips to share. Thank you. For those with severe adverse and ALLERGIC REACTIONS. Seek emergency care: High Fever High or Unusual Heart or Pulse Rate High Blood Pressure Trouble Breathing Black Out Loss of consciousness Uncontrollable behavior or lashing out violently. Adding more as applicable. ..this i hope will help. Please copy paste this post to members that may need info regarding, when to get Emergency medical attention. Add link to suicide hotline in USA, here. What Are the Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome? You may have symptoms within minutes or hours of taking a new medication or increasing the dose of a medication. The symptoms may include: confusion disorientation irritability anxiety muscle spasms muscle rigidity tremors shivering diarrhea rapid heartbeat, or tachycardia high blood pressure nausea hallucinations overactive reflexes, or hyperreflexia dilated pupils In more severe cases, the symptoms may include: unresponsiveness a coma seizures an irregular heartbeat

What Now?

Start with a review, and then move forward using these steps.
Your options will become more evident, after a good review.
Safety First. No Sudden Changes or Life Changing Decisions Before Reviewing.

Start Here

1. How to Review Any Drug in 4 Easy Steps: Using the 2 best sources: 

1. The drug's manufacturer's and FDA online warning leaflets / legal disclaimers:

Example: CYMBALTA and generic DULOXETINE 
(delayed release capsules) warnings source from the Lilly drug company, and FDA.  

Example: Click to open and download.   

2. Check drugs a). Basic information and precautions interactions, side effects I nteractions, side effects,

Download from the drug manufacturer's website, or our growing collection of Rx Pysch drug WARNINGS, and other commonly used and misunderstood drug warnings leaflets to download.

Use the hard evidence from trusted sources, in your written reports to your doctors and authorities and in litigation. 


Scroll DOWN to continue:

2. Inform Your Prescribers of your Plans to Slow Taper:


Inform your doctors of your plans to start a 5% maximum slow taper, holding the same once daily dosage, for at least one month. 
See how you feel before reducing further. Never reduce more than 5% is the rule to reduce risks, and save lives.

Fearful your doctor will not allow you to taper using the safest method? 
Read the 10 Step method and become more aware, before making changes, and before talki
ng to a doctor again. 

Scroll DOWN to continue:

How to Identify a Quack: 

Let's get serious - It's not rocket science. I've said it time and time again. We are taught to do what the doctor says without question, and trust the doctors because they are educated and experienced and have access to tests etc.
No one told us how to research drugs, or identify quacks.  
Too often we are mislead even after doing our own research.
Wee asked our doctors and our pharmacists, they told us the risks were rare. 
The fact is, what is rare are doctors and patients who report side effects. 
I'm not going to sugar coat this:

How to Identify a quack doctor (or nurse) who is in denial. **Signs of quackery: **

  • ​Denies risks of Rx drugs and treatments.

  • Denies patient rights to reject treatments.

  • Denies basic protocols and tests to rule out other possible causes.

  • Denies the 5% maximum reduction slow taper method

  • Blames the patient for side effects and interactions

  • Blames the patient for side effects and interactions

  • Pressures or intimidates the patient to taking Rx drugs or treatments the patient has said they do not wish to agree to start.

  • Enters negative notations or lies in patient records, after showing awareness, or reporting side effects and interactions.
    Look for code words such as, "Caution", "Danger", "Uncooperative", "Warning".

  • Patient records do not include reports of problems reported by the patient.

  • Refuses to return urgent or emergency calls.

  • Charges a lot of money for medical records.

  • After patient reports side effects and requesting copies of personal medical records, the Dr claims to have stored or lost your medical records.

  • Interrupts the patient, insulting, doesn't make sense, and is rude in general.

  • Refuses to forward approvals for tests, from patient's other Drs.

  • Uses chemical imbalance myth without lab tests.

  • Organizes your family, supporters, other Drs, and or social workers against you, their patient.

  • Values money more than patient safety and well being. 

  • Does not allow patient to document their own experiences, side effects, interactions, research, and helping manage their own healthcare and medical records. 

  • Quack doctors (and nurses), tend to refer to other quack Drs; Avoid referrals from Quack Drs, and consider avoiding that medical group entirely. 

  • STOP blaming everything on quacks!

  • Start hiring real Drs.

  • Stop returning to Drs you have identified as unsafe, or you do not trust.

  • Avoid confronting or trying to educate Drs who are in denial.

  • Quacks can lash out and our medical records can affect our jobs, insurance, family and spousal support, and more.

    I would not be here today, if i didn't start requiring 1st rate doctors, documentation, and the 10 Step Method
    There are real Drs out there, trust me.

Self-Advocating With Your Doctor 
The 10 Step Method is helping in many ways.

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice. Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.…Self-Advocating With Your Doctor. 
This information is in addition to our tips and you may find it interesting or useful. 

The law requires the drug's warning leaflets / legal disclaimers posted online, so no one can keep them from you, or deny the warnings exist. Any Doctor who denies the warnings from the drug companies and the Government, are completely unacceptable.
You have the right to know the risks and precautions and the same information the prescribers have, from the same sources. 

It also helps to know that the US FDA warnings (Food and Drug Administration) applies to those who are not in the US, as well as those in the US. The FDA requires certain warnings to consumers, in order to be approved for sale on the market, but the warning leaflets are avaiable online, free. It's wise to review drugs with your doctor using the 2 best sources. 
The doctors and pharmacies who intentionally do not warn, can't limit us if we are aware. 

We are often at fault for not requiring sources and taking advice, from those profiting from the drugs, or taking the drugs themselves.
I've only heard of 3 doctors who took psych
 drugs, and they were in total denial and rejected the facts and mountains of evidence, from the drug companies and other trusted sources, including people who were harmed by the drug. Not everyone survives Rx psych drugs or abusive healthcare providers. Your awareness is critically important, even if you never go to doctors anymore. 

We do not properly research and no one teaches us how, not even our doctors.
Normally, the doctors and pharmacies do not report formally in writing,
or provide the documented evidence and have it ready.
We do not plan ahead for all the possible responses, from our doctors and find ourselves shocked
to discover we have hired a doctor or nurse practitioner who is in denial, a dangerous quack.

We do not request how the doctor or nurse came to their opinion.
To be a doctor or a nurse requires to answer basic questions correctly. 
The problem is what do you do after the healthcare provider responds poorly, or refuses to respond. 

We accept advice, instructions, even commands, without discussion, without thought, without approval.
I believe this is due to our early messages from our parents to "Do what the doctor says" "Trust the Doctor / nurse knows best" "Follow the doctor's orders", but doctors rarely give orders. I ask my doctors, "Is that an order, or a request?" 
It's very important we update our self programing if you will, and empower our kids and adults to question everything and require sources, and believe the warnings / legal disclaimers.
Require only the best sources, because trusting doctors who lied, and taking advice from those taking mind mood altering drugs,
was how we got into this mess. 


That is not to say we are weak, or stupid, but unless we are aware, we are only victims of abusers.
There are many people ready to swoop in and take advantage of people who are in need, in pain, suffering losses, disabled, injured, or suffering mentally or emotionally.
But we are often ignorant ... more kindly we are unaware and with a little research we are often more aware than those prescribing the drugs. 

It's a
misconception we lack authority - where authority means knowing something and being able to produce the evidence confidently and with conviction. We have rights and common sense and the facts are rather easy to prove

It's a misconception we lack time.
It's a
misconception we lack status
It's a misconception we lack the inner strength which often comes with good health. 
It's a misconception we lack the strength which comes from being in our own territory.
It's a misconception we lack that doctors records are private and confidential.
The challenge is to secure a trained specialist in their field that helps protect patient health and well being, not risk sanity and everything we've built in our lives, or loss of life

But we can overcome that disadvantage
by doing this: research, plan, organize and prepare. 

Remember: this is YOUR body and brain and YOU need to advocate for yourself.
No one else will likely be able to help you. Sometimes spouses and family can be helpful to support the patient
and pretect them from nonsense and decrease risks.
Patient Rights for your country. 

Rx Drug Awareness Website and our support groups:
Download the "Drug Leaflets from the drug company" list;
then highlight and work through as many files as you think are relevant to this particular report.

Print the files or sections of files you think are really important to your knowledge and understanding,
and include the online URL address, as reference and the most up to date evidence.

This will all improve the positivity of your attitude as well. Be confident,
because you have proof and the doctor can not provide better evidence,
so you can review and discuss the risks and benefits together. 

See effectiveness tables, and list of risks. The risks are not rare.
Many people suffered and or died before each warning was included on the drug's warnings,
and required before the FDA approved the drug for sale on the marketplace. 

The doctor is not obligated to warn, so we can show them HOW IT"S DONE. 
Copy the most important quotes and paste them into a new document.
Use highlight text, if you have the option. Make a list of the warnings you are most concerned about. 


Decide exactly what points you want to discuss in the consultation.
Write list of topics to discuss, and require the doctor to review with you.

It should take 5 minutes up to 20 minutes to review any drug, in most cases,
and remember the doctor is being paid while they review the drugs with you. 
If the doctor says they are too busy to review the drugs with you,
suggest to make another appointment if necessary.
Ask if they have on their tablet or phone.
Show them that you have the site already open on your phone.
Show the doctor how we enter the name of any drug to review precautions, side effects, and interactions. 
You may want to post on a support group to help you think clearly.


Writing is the best option - preferably word-process - in advance exactly what you are concerned about.
Be realistic about what you can cover in the time available.
Create a numbered list, so the doctor can see you have more than one topic to discuss, so they don't try to leave too soon. 
Make it 100% clear about your goals, and requirements. Try to stay calm and avoid confronting doctors in denial. 
Be realistic.  Try not to be emotional. Quacks will try to upset patients after they show signs of awareness, or try to report side effects, or mention results of drug lawsuits. This is another reason writing a formal report is important. 

Put clear headings on each section and number the pages.
Make sure you know what all the pages are for, because some will be evidence   
Annotate by hand if that helps.
Write the responses from the doctors, but also require they email you or mail the response in writing, with the sources as applicable. 

You need to know which medication or other treatments you are advised to use, and how to find the sources if not provided, for your future reverence and verification. 

Print out the report or questions, in larger-than-normal size.
It will be easier to follow when you are in the appointment and may feel you are stressed, or having side effects or visual impairment, or under pressure.

Create a copy for you and your doctor and at least 2 additional copies so you are never tempted to provide your master copy. 
Take one copy in to the surgery 3 or 4 days in advance and provide the evidence and medication allergy alerts to your anatheseolgist, clearly addressed to your doctor. Mail certified proof of delivery or use your online patient portal to email your doctor but paper is best when important. 
If at all possible, take someone with you for the consultation to give moral support.
Give them the spare copy and talk them through it so they understand their role as a supporter. 
If the doctor starts to address the supporter / spouse, it can be very frustrating to the patient.
I advise the supporter to look at the patient while the doctor speaks, and that will naturally draw the doctor's gaze back to the patient for eye contact.
Sit near the patient with your arm around them, if the doctor starts to get to rude, or responds poorly.
It's wise to just make up and excuse and stop talking to doctors in denial, but know that narcissists (and all quacks are narcissists, and most doctors are narcs but not all). Narcissists / quacks and crooks are typically very good actors and fakers of compassion, so be careful.
Use the
10 step method to fix and avoid most problems, report side effects and protect yourself and your records,
and find a real first rate doctor or nurse practitioner for starters. 


Review, plan, organize, before making changes or talking to a doctor or nurse again. 


In the days before the consultation, practice your role. Think through the key points. Remind yourself what evidence you have. Be very clear in your own head what outcomes you want. You cannot trust the doctor to have genuine knowledge of your condition.  Expressing anger, resentment and blame will not help your situation. 

If the doctor is in denial, it's simply time to find a new doctor. Do not try to educate or argue with doctors in denial. 


Last steps in your preparation
As you would for an interview, dress smartly. Dress so you feel confident and in control.
Do NOT go in looking as though you can't cope. Go in dressed as someone who is clean even if it's in your pajamas. 
Wear a suit, if possible. What you wear should not matter but do the best you can. 


Be punctual Be early (not too early!) and be friendly.
Often an effort, I know. But: be friendly.
Check whether your doctor is running on time.
Just so you know. If not, smile and say thank you anyway.
The Doctor running late actually gives you more time to ground yourself and prepare your questions,
more time to feel in control and gives the doctor less time to waste. 

Ask for the toilet or water if necessary - this is another chance to be friendly and to use your voice.
Wander around the space and make yourself feel comfortable


AND OBVIOUS INNER STRENGTH, ideally before surgery dates in preparation.
Thank the doctor for seeing you today.
Ask if they have the copy you sent. or do they need your final copy of the drug's warning leaflet / legal disclaimer,

and your medication allergy alerts.

If it is legal in your country (Check in advance!), record the conversation on your phone.
"I'm going to record this, as my memory isn't too good. My doctors never mind being recorded.

Those who do are suspected of quackery.  

Remember you have evidence from the drug companies and the government, 

and it is your body and brain, and your life. YOU are in charge of all your options, and no one should pressure you in any way, especially your doctor. (unless under a court order you have rights). 

Be very clear if they don't agree with you. "I'm sorry, but that is not acceptable."

Remind them that you have researched the subject and gone through the experiences.

"My research results suggest there is no evidence of chemical imbalance."

Make notes on what you are told by doctors and nurses, and on what you agree to do. 
Require they write what they say because you are easily confused or can't remember well, especially since starting Rx psych drugs. 

Require the prescriber to answer your questions, in writing and include the best possible sources. 

Take notes even if you don't need to - it helps focus the mind and puts you in control. Think of yourself as your own advocate or legal representative because you are, and especially if you are legally responsible for the patient; a minor, are adult who is not able to care for themselves, or a spouse. Spouses and family have more rights than other supporters, but the patient must approve their supporters to their doctor due to privacy issues. 
You are the active one, the doctor is your chosen hired healthcare provider.
Think of hiring doctors a lot like you would when hiring a mechanic, for your family vehicle.


Do not add any more prescription drugs to treat side effects, or use a  bridge or withdrawal.

You are not an experiment, so don't try Rx Psych drugs like a buffet. Each drug increases serious risks and many are life threatening, and not rare. Risks increase with dose changes, does strength, length taken, and interactions. 

Whatever happens, you will be stronger and more protected if you prepare.  
Maybe you have got exactly what you want.
I hope that whatever has happened, you will have had the strength to refuse anything even more dangerous

and to show yourself that you can do this. You can manage your healthcare providers and medical records, and protect yourself, and spread awareness. Many doctors and nurses are aware, or sincerely interested to learn from patients, and not just the drug companies. 

Keep a steady once daily dosage, at the same time of day, for best results. 

Before you make changes and before you talk to a doctor again, read this: 
Read and use the 10 Step Method, here:


HEALTH WARNING: You will be exhausted after this.
Win or lose, you will need time to recover. Be kind to yourself.

0.001g = 1 milligram of actual physical weight.

  • Beads – the tiny beads enclosed in a Cymbalta capsule. We reduce these gradually during a taper to become Cymbalta free.

  • Bead Dish – the dish you empty your beads into, before you put them onto your scale

  • Calibration Weight – a weight included with your scale to calibrate (reprogram) it and ensure it keeps weighing precisely

  • Counting Method – the method of counting beads to taper by bead number, rather than weight

  • Capsule – original medication as picked up from your pharmacy

  • Scale – a sensitive scale to weigh Cymbalta beads, usually a jewelry scale

  • Scale Dish – the dish you use on your scale; it may be supplied with the scale or you can use anything suitable

  • Scale Method – weighing your Cymbalta beads to taper, rather than counting beads

  • Starting Bead Weight – the average of 3 full dose Cymbalta capsules – you find this first; then you work out what your usual full dose of Cymbalta weighs in beads. Then you start your % taper reduction from this.

  • Taper Capsule – the capsules you make with reduced bead weights for your tapering

  • Taper Capsule Weight – the weight of the beads you placed into capsules for your previous taper

  • Taper Percentage / Taper Rate  – the % rate you choose to reduce your Cymbalta beads by (until you are Cymbalta free YAY!)

  • TARE – the button on your scale that resets the weight to 0.000g. You can now place a dish on it and press TARE to weigh just the beads (ignoring the dish weight).

  • Rx = Prescription Drug

  • Quack = A doctor or nurse who is intentionally in denial and deflects their patient's reports of problems with drug and other treatments, refuse to follow basic protocols, refuse to test to rule out other possible causes, refuse patient rights and documentation, and diagnosis. 

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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