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Fruits and Vegetables

Detox Diet

Safe Mild Detox Diets to aid in recovery and strengthen immune, and replenish the vitamins and minerals depleted by Rx psych drugs.

Detox Diet:

Anti-Inflammatory, Pain-Fighting Diet 

This is not medical advise. I personally avoid harsh detox treatments, and advise focusing on good clean food, and clean living. The challenges are increasing in modern times, but good food is good medicine, and the body has miraculous ways of healing. 


It is not recommended to do a cleanse while tapering or in withdrawal from psych drugs.


promotes optimum cellular efficiency which promotes optimum health.
The meaning of optimum in OPTIMUM DIET is the diet which best supports recovery from illness and maintenance of health. This support also includes optimum energy, athletic performance, mental power and endurance, preventing degenerative disease and staying young.
The meaning of optimum in OPTIMUM DIET is the diet which best supports recovery from illness and maintenance of health. This support also includes optimum energy, athletic performance, mental power and endurance, preventing degenerative disease and staying young.
The optimum diet will not accommodate many taste preferences, cultural traditions, official statements, and marketing prejudices although these factors have been the basis for food choices and dietary practices for the majority. The majority will have to adopt a new way of thinking about food in order to benefit from good nutrition.Food choices and dietary practices can strongly promote health; but also strongly prevent resolution of disease.

For some people, their health condition is urgent and there has to be immediate radical dietary changes; others will have some time to transition into better health. A multitude of seemingly authoritative voices struggle for first place in the current marketplace of ideas and one can find a voice saying what one wants to hear. What is recommended here is supported by epidemiological studies, clinical experience, the organization for LIFESTYLE MEDICINE, biochemical realities, and the conclusions presented in the book THE CHINA STUDY.

THE DIET in one word is VEGAN. But additionally it needs to be Non-Inflammatory, Alkaline residue, Whole food, Plant based (preferably organic and also absolutely NON-GMO) diet. Some organically raised produce are grown from seeds that pesticides are added genetically to the seed. Shop for GMO Free seeds. 

Specifically a good diet should include a wide variety of vegetables and fruits with enough complex carbohydrate to maintain a healthy weight.
Complex carbohydrate foods include beans (all varieties), grains (with the exception of modern wheat), nuts, seeds, winter squash, and tubers such as potatoes and yams.

The diet should be about 80% raw and 20% cooked by volume, and include plenty of seeds and nuts used in various ways to provide essential fatty acids and calories, and could include a moderate amount of extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
Never use trans fats such as margarine, Crisco, heat extracted oils, or partially hydrogenated oils.
Never use refined sugar.
Don’t use white flour and white flour products.

Use very little honey or maple syrup.

Juicing and blender drinks used daily or in various “cleansing” programs, are very potent for optimizing cellular function.

Again, it is not recommended to do a cleanse while tapering or in withdrawal from psych drugs.
The book JUICING THERAPY by Bernard Jensen is a great resource.
Very high in phosphorus which must be expelled from the body as Calcium Phosphate – causing calcium loss · The amino acid mix in meats leaves a metabolic acid burden reducing cellular efficiency · Rich in long chain fatty acids which stiffen cell membranes and reduce cell membrane voltage and reduce cellular efficiency
Long chain fatty acids in meat require energy to split them into smaller fatty acids to use as fuel · The fatty acids in meat also leave an acid residue; decreasing cellular efficiency · Meat contains too much protein and the body cannot use amino acids for fuel except by changing them into sugar. This process uses energy and is an inefficient way of producing energy. This process releases ammonia which is very toxic and must be detoxified; also depleting energy. This process also results in urea formation which uses up energy to be expelled from the body.
Meats concentrate environmental toxins up to 200,000 times the concentration found in plants · The metabolic acid load from eating meats uses calcium from the bones to buffer it – depleting calcium from the bones · All of the above factors decrease cellular efficiency which results in the person having less energy, less endurance, and prolonged recovery time from injury or exertion. · It is impossible to cook meat and not make heterocyclic amines; all of which are toxic to the body and carcinogenic.
WHY NO DAIRY? · All the calcium in milk products is combined with phosphorus and is expelled from your body as calcium phosphate · The proteins in milk and milk products result in a metabolic acid load which is excreted from the body with calcium – depleting calcium from the bones · The metabolic acid load decreases cellular efficiency · Milk protein is associated with causing allergies · The long chain fatty acids in milk cause the same problem as those in meat · Environmental toxins concentrated in the animal will come out in the milk.
One more thing on the meat and dairy topic is that antidepressants, benzos, and atypical antipsychotics are HIGHLY protein binding (98%) so the drugs will bind to these complex proteins making the flushing of any of these drugs that much more difficult. Also, when the milk protein, casein, cannot be metabolized, which Rx drug awareness experts believe antidepressants impair, it turns to caso-morphine, a powerful serotonin reuptake inhibitor producing a synergistic effect with these medications which should naturally follow that mixing them could lead to Serotonin Syndrome. Dairy concerns are warned of with the MOAI antidepressants should be warned to avoid with all antidepressants.
GLYCEMIC INDEX – foods which have a stronger tendency to raise blood sugar levels are said to have a higher Glycemic Index and having higher blood sugar is bad! Many diet plans promoted today are based on keeping a low glycemic index. But, because cellular efficiency is far more important than glycemic index, choosing foods mostly on the basis of glycemic index is a mistake. The proteins and fats in animal source foods often have a relatively low glycemic index but when eaten daily for a couple of weeks severely compromise cellular efficiency resulting in higher blood sugars and insulin resistance; the very problems the low glycemic index is supposed to avoid!
RESOURCES – many, many vegan recipe books are available in book stores. Look through them to find ones of interest. Most likely most of the recipes will have to be modified to comply with good diet principles. A couple of good books include:
THE CHINA STUDY COOKBOOK · FIT FOR LIFE VEGETARIAN COOKBOOK by Diamond & Diamond. Some recipes can also be found on-line at places such as . WHEN TO EAT – because the hormones stimulating metabolism and energy production are highest in the morning, most of one’s caloric intake should be in the morning. The body normally goes through a cleansing/restoration phase at night during sleep if the digestive system is relatively empty then.
COMBINATIONS – only combine foods with similar digestive characteristics. Generally don’t combine fruits with vegetables. Some recipe books include food combination charts.
MAKE GRADUAL CHANGES - Stopping consumption of sugar, caffeine, meat & dairy “cold turkey” will result in withdrawal symptoms lasting about two weeks. Symptoms will include such things as feeling faint, headaches, food cravings, poor concentration, and mood problems. Some people assume these symptoms mean they must eat meat; their bodies need it. NO, they do not need meat; the symptoms are simply associated with metabolic improvements and will shortly be resolved spontaneously.
ENCOURAGEMENT – There are no diseases associated with eating healthy plant foods. Meat eating is associated with all degenerative diseases and aging. Dietary habits and food choices are the most important determinants of one’s health. To optimize one’s health, the diet must be optimized. To continue doing the same things but expect different results doesn’t make sense. Take control of your diet and control your health and the life you want.



  • The power of juicing

  • DVD titled FORKS OVER KNIVES (find on-line)

  • Plant based diet science


A Diet for Patients With Chronic Pain

~ By Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH Patients with chronic pain need a high protein intake diet, with avoidance of carbohydrate-induced episodes of hypoglycemia and weight gain. Many serious conditions and diseases, including hyperlipidemia, obesity, congestive heart failure, and renal failure, have their own recommended diet. Considerable scientific information and clinical observation have accumulated in recent years that chronic pain, particularly the debilitating, severe form that requires opioid treatment, needs a “chronic pain” diet. To date, however, no chronic pain diet has been officially recommended. Therefore, the goal of this article is to provide pain practitioners with a pain diet. (Click on the link to read the full article)


The following is about a movie called “May I Be Frank?”. It is about a man called Frank Ferrante and his diet was terrible and was on all kinds of medications.


This is a movie I have wanted to share with you for some time now. This is a real person, Frank Ferrante, who got into drugs and then was on tons of medication. That was before he ran into a bunch of health nuts who decided to help him rebuild his health, change his life and film his metamorphosis. You can see from the pictures above the miraculous change they brought in his life….little different than watching someone’s health go the opposite direction once one begins on these deadly antidepressants and other psychoactive medications. His appearance and life is very much like someone who has been on antidepressants for a while with the distended stomach and rounded face classic of Cushing’s


Syndrome which is produced by antidepressants.
It would be no surprise to me to learn that he was on these drugs as well.

When one single 30mg dose of Prozac can DOUBLE cortisol levels (the indicator that the body is under great stress) no one should be surprised that patients on these SSRI/SNRI antidepressants end up with all the signs of Cushing’s Syndrome – the distended stomach, rounded face, the hump at the top of the spine/base of the neck.
Brace yourself as Frank is very blunt and did not have the cleanest vocabulary when they first begin working with him. But plug your ears if necessary and you will see the drastic changes in him as the movie goes on. This is truly a case where seeing is believing!

You will be amazed. Everyone, everywhere should see this documentary to understand that YOU REALLY ARE WHAT YOU EAT!!! For those wondering if you will ever get well….Frank’s story should bring you great hope for recovery. You can watch the movie here: 


Okay I just now finished watching the movie myself and am shocked to learn that not only was Frank on antidepressants for TEN YEARS before this, he was on Effexor – one of the most difficult of all of them to withdraw from and he came off with hardly ANY withdrawal symptoms that I saw!!! And this experiment only went on for 42 days! To be off Effexor in that amount of time and doing as well as he did is just plain unheard of! This group of people need to set up an antidepressant withdrawal center and I will recommend everyone go there because they did everything I would have recommended minus hyperbaric oxygen treatment!!!!!! Other than that they did it all. . Here is an older Huffington Post article featuring this movie…


May I Be Frank: A life changing documentary

Talk about life changing documentaries, and there have been a lot in the past few years. This is one to add to the list for sure!! May I be Frank? is a documentary about Frank, a drug addict who is morbidly obese, pre-diabetic and has Hepatitis C.

Frank is not only extremely overweight, but also is on tons of medication [Including ten years worth of antidepressants for which he can thank the weight gain and pre-diabetes and self isolation, etc. – all fairly common side effects of antidepressants.]

Frank lives in San Francisco, and one day he makes his way into Café Gratitude, a raw, vegan and organic restaurant. He strikes up a rapport and later a friendship with a few of the staff members.

One day they happen to ask Frank a question, “What is one thing you want to do before you die?”

Frank says he wants to fall in love one more time, but he thinks no one would love him looking the way he does. His new friends are inspired to help him transform his life.

They challenge him to a 42-day transformation. He has to agree to eat what they say (mostly raw and vegan), practice affirmations in front of a mirror, get colonics and follow “The Abounding River Logbook” (written by the owners of Café Gratitude about being abundant). In this book you practice loving life, adoring yourself, accepting the world, being generous and grateful every day and experiencing being provided for! . For me one of the important messages in this movie is that there is more to getting healthy than just changing your diet. There is a reason Frank became morbidly obese. You have to do the inside work as well as the diet and exercise! I have personally dreamed about visiting Café Gratitude for years.

Getting a glimpse of how things work there was so great.

The staff is just as I had imagined them: committed, compassionate, and healthy as ever. There is also some irony here, as I am on my own life-saving health journey. When I heard about Frank’s story I knew it was going to be a monumental movie in my life. Watching Frank’s transformation was close to my heart. . I think there is a part of Frank in all of us. His story is soulful, sad, inspiring and funny all rolled in to one amazing documentary. Frank and the makers of this film are traveling around the country sharing Frank’s message. They chose to bring this film directly to the audiences. It was a homegrown film, made in a very holistic way, and released to the world in the same way.

More: And thank you Frank for sharing your life with us all to help others to see what can be accomplished when you work at it! Your story is basically my own story of recovery from terminal cancer decades ago. I thank God for LaDean Griffin and her daughter, Lynn, who saved my life with all this information which LaDean put in her wonderful book “Is Any Sick Among You?” and Lynn was kind enough to share it with me so long ago when I could barely walk after doctors had butchered me and spread the cancer.” End Quote. 

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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