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Tapering Off Rx Psych Drugs

The 5% maximum reduction slow taper method has beed approved by doctors, since at least 2015. 
for all: 
Rx Antidepressant drugs, 

Benzodiazepine drugs​,
Anticonvulsant drugs

These are the drug types that are mind mood altering psych drugs; I'm told by the Rx drug awareness experts and confirmed with doctors onboard with safety and awareness.

There may be other drugs that require slow taper, but these are the drugs over prescribed and under supported, and misunderstood that require the 5% maximum slow taper method to reduce serious risks in addition to withdrawal symptoms.
The 5% Slow Taper Method Reduces Risks and Saves Lives

Tapering off of prescription drugs should always be done under a doctor’s supervision. Tapering is a slow and gradual process of reducing the dose of a drug to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms.

Inform your doctors, the approved 5% maximum slow taper method should be followed for all Rx psych drugs, such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and anticonvulsants.

Additionally, the dose should never be reduced more than 5% at a time and the taper should not exceed a period of 4-6 weeks.

It is important to take the time to taper properly to ensure a safe and successful withdrawal from the drug.

Wherever you are in the world, and whatever your situation, you can become more aware, and make more informed decisions.
However the drug companies and doctors, and pharmacies do not include everything in their warnings, and most people say they would have never tried Rx psych drugs had they been properly warned.

We always start with awareness, and exactly how, and we provide the tools and hard documented undeniable evidence, from the best possible sources. 

1. The drug company and government warning leaflets / legal disclaimers, 


2. Use this site doctors and nurses and pharmacies use to check precautions, side effects and interactions with certain other drugs, foods, supplements, vaccines, diseases, or preexisting conditions. 

Methods Taper Off Cymbalta Duloxetine and other Rx Psych Drugs: 
(Cymbalta Duloxetine requires micro-beads, for the 5% max reduction slow taper method)
1. Bead Counting Method
2. Weighing Method
3. Compounding Pharmacy Services 
4. Tapering Strips for Rx pysch drugs are available,
but not yet available for Cymbalta Duloxetine antidepressant. 

DO NOT LIQUIFY Cymbalta Duloxetine because the medication does not fully dissolve, and accurate dose is required to reduce risks. 

All Pharma drugs affect all organs and some can mask underlying root health problems. Mental health, autoimmunity and chronic pain symptoms may be caused by toxicities, sensitivities, deficiencies, infections, imbalances (hormone, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal), physical or emotional trauma, genetic factors, system overloads (mycotoxins), poor coping skills or leaky gut/poor gut health.

I personally do not advise DNA tests to determine if Rx psych drugs will work for you, or reduce risks. 
There is no evidence that results of DNA testing reduces risks. In my opinion the testing is a trick, and only fattens the wallets of those benefiting from such a DNA test. You of course are free to do as you feel is best but i would avoid all Rx psych drugs, and doctors who prescribe them, and or offer a DNA test who claim it will reduce risks and increase effectiveness. The drug companies claim 10% effectiveness for up to 60% of patients, and fade to 0% in only 2 or 3 months time.

To my knowledge, there are no texts for levels of serotonin in the body. No levels of normal or abnormal levels. The myth of chemical imbalance is just that, a myth. "
There are gross misconceptions about how antidepressant and other psychiatric medications work physiologically both within the medical community and among patients who take these powerful mind altering substances.
In this video we endeavor to describe the basic physiology of antidepressants, and how your body is affected in profound ways".

My former doctor told me that psych drugs take up to 12 weeks to start working.
There is a lot of conflicting information out there to confuse researchers and the public, but if you are aware of a few basics, no one will ever fool me again. 

You have the right to slow taper, but it could be risky to to report side effects, show signs of awareness, or mention results of drug lawsuits to doctors in denial. The best option is write a report, and use the 10 step
method to avoid and fix the most common problems, protect yourself and your medical records, stay safe, and remain free. 

One Frequently Asked Question (which many of us never even want to think about!)
My medication is meant to be 30mg. Why do the beads in the Cymbalta capsules weigh 0.178g as an average?

Shouldn’t they be 0.030g?

No. The mg of the medication dose is very different from the actual weight of the medication.

The mg of the medication is a scientific dosage, not the actual weight of the beads enclosed in the capsules.
Imagine a vitamin tablet – 100s of mg of vitamins – but it doesn’t weigh a kilogram!

"I have done my first taper and it went well!
Every time you taper, you must take the weight of your LAST taper capsule and deduct your taper percentage from this.

It is extremely important that you keep a record of your Starting Bead Weight, and then every taper percentage and Taper Capsule Weight.  
It is the previous taper weight you use to calculate your next drop.
Have a look at the record below.


Confused? Let's see an example:

Your Starting Bead Weight was 0.178g.
We used this to calculate your first set of Taper Capsules,
depending on the chosen taper percentage rate.


Your first Taper Capsules weighed either 0.173 (2.5%) or 0.169 (5%).

We need to deduct your taper percentage rate from these for your next taper.
If you chose 2.5% then 0.173 – 2.5% = 0.168g.
The 5% rate: 0.169 – 5% = 0.160
Depending on your rate of taper, your next Taper Capsules need to weigh:


Long-term example

Starting Bead Weight was 0.178g

I have decided to taper at 5% every 14 days

… and so on …



Be ready to adjust your percentage taper rate as the weeks and months pass.

You are most likely to need to drop it.
Be ready to make the holding time longer if necessary.
Do not try to rush things!
You need to keep a detailed journal.  

Please look at Posting and Journaling Your Taper.
You need to be aware of what is happening in your body and brain.  

The actual taper is only one part; you need to work on nutrition, supplements, lifestyle changes.

It’s difficult for those of us who have never experienced the powerful sensations of akathisia, a potential but horrific side effect of many psychotropic medications, to truly understand what those afflicted have gone through.

I want everyone to notice that the drug company warns antidepressants increases risks of cancer!

"13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis,

Impairment of Fertility Carcinogenesis Duloxetine was administered in the diet to mice and rats for only 2 years.

In female mice receiving duloxetine at 140 mg/kg/day (3 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 120 mg/day given to children on a mg/m2 basis), there was an increased incidence of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas.

The no-effect dose was 50 mg/kg/day (1 time the MRHD given to children).

Tumor incidence was not increased in male mice receiving duloxetine at doses up to 100 mg/kg/day (2 times the MRHD given to children).

In rats, dietary doses of duloxetine up to 27 mg/kg/day in females (1 time the MRHD given to children) and up to 36 mg/kg/day in males (1.4 times the MRHD given to children) did not increase the incidence of tumors.

(I see no details about how long the study lasted or who did the study. Adding more evidence asap. 


Mutagenesis Duloxetine was not mutagenic in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) and was not clastogenic in an in vivo chromosomal aberration test in mouse bone marrow cells.

Additionally, duloxetine was not genotoxic in an in vitromammalian forward gene mutation assay in mouse lymphoma cells or in an in vitro unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay in primary rat hepatocytes, and did not induce sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster bone marrow in vivo. Impairment of Fertility Duloxetine administered orally to either male or female rats prior to and throughout mating at doses up to 45 mg/kg/day (3 times the MRHD given to adolescents on a mg/m2 basis) did not alter mating or fertility. "

My personal Lilly Drug Co Settlement Offer Letter I rejected the HUSH money.

See details and amounts here

0.001g = 1 milligram of actual physical weight. THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT MEDICATION DOSAGE.

Beads – the tiny beads enclosed in a Cymbalta capsule. We reduce these gradually during a taper to become Cymbalta free.

Bead Dish – the dish you empty your beads into, before you put them onto your scale

Calibration Weight – a weight included with your scale to calibrate (reprogram) it and ensure it keeps weighing precisely

Counting Method – the method of counting beads to taper by bead number, rather than weight

Cymbalta Capsule – original Cymbalta medication as picked up from your pharmacy

Rounding up – a math routine completely ignored in this file to make it easier for everyone

Scale – a sensitive scale to weigh Cymbalta beads, usually a jewellery scale

Scale Dish – the dish you use on your scale; it may be supplied with the scale or you can use anything suitable

Scale Method – weighing your Cymbalta beads to taper, rather than counting beads

Starting Bead Weight – the average of 3 full dose Cymbalta capsules – you find this first; then you work out what your usual full dose of Cymbalta weighs in beads. Then you start your % taper reduction from this.

Taper Capsule – the capsules you make with reduced bead weights for your tapering

Taper Capsule Weight – the weight of the beads you placed into capsules for your previous taper

Taper Percentage / Taper Rate  – the % rate you choose to reduce your Cymbalta beads by (until you are Cymbalta free YAY!)

TARE – the button on your scale that resets the weight to 0.000g. You can now place a dish on it and press TARE to weigh just the beads (ignoring the dish weight).

Preparing For Your Rx Cymbalta/ Duloxetine / Psych Drugs 
5% max Reduction Slow Taper Method, and Detox

Being prepared and fully understanding the process will help to ensure a successful taper.
Click Blue Text to link to more details
Tiny Beads vs Larger Pellets

The Tiny Micro-Beads are the Correct type of medication to use to slow taper. 

Ask for help, if you are not able to read due to side effects. 
Learn the correct way to bead count or weigh beads.  

Read the tapering instructions and ask questions if unsure.
If you have taken 7 days or less of any Antidepressant or psych drug, you are advised to STOP without need for slow taper.

If you discontinued less than 21 days ago / 3 weeks, you are advised to reinstate using our “Reinstatement”.
If you discontinued more than 21 days ago, you are advised not to reinstate or add other drugs. Unfortunately, the window to reinstate slams shut after 21 days. Changing serotonin is risky and reinstatement is not advised after this window. Focus on detox and healing, and recovering.  

The drug manufacturer’s labels on all Rx psychotropic drugs including antidepressants warn, “NEVER STOP OR CHANGE DOSE SUDDENLY OR RISK INJURY, SUICIDE, AND DEATH.” ...unless sever side effects or allergic reaction, or certain situations. 
These risks can continue, well after discontinuation. 

Slow taper of 5% maximum reduction is the RULE to reduce many risks for years into the future. Do not be tempted to stop or taper faster than 5% reduction. Serious life threatening Rx drug injury, serotonin syndrome, akathesia, dystonia and hundreds of other adverse effects are to be avoided. 

Do not add new drugs or increase dose to use as a bridge or other reasons.
See for interactions, side effects, disease precautions, FDA alerts, and more.

Generic and Brand Name Cymbalta are not the same. Insurance may not pay for brand name Cymbalta, but due to the slow taper, the need for refills are greatly reduced. 

Fact: There are no test results from double blind tests in controlled settings using placebo to prove that Rx antidepressants are pain reliever, or have any medicinal benefit. At the same time, these drugs are all in the highest level of lethality allowed by law, and the package warns of many serious risks.

Some side effects are temporary, while others are permanent.

The warnings on the label if you got one, indicates many warnings that are not rare, and can happen after only 1 pill or years of taking the medication.


The warnings are actually legal disclaimers. 

How we report side effects and interactions is critically important. Instead of telling your Dr about your side effects and or interactions, write a list and use formal methods of communication and our 7 step method and other tips located in FILES tab.

If you need a slow taper spreadsheet, please see the tapering instructions to request one.
Speak to your pharmacist about always getting the same brand.
Gather necessary supplies and start a tapering journal.


Document Everything!

Stabilize at same dose for at least 3 weeks, when starting your taper, or after reinstating.
Purchase good quality supplements, organic GMO free, and avoid pesticides, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, unnecessary chemicals, toxins, and toxic people including quacks. 

Eliminate refined foods, sugars, sweeteners, dairy, simple carbs, white flour, caffeine, and alcohol. Fresh juices and soups are easy ways to absorb nutrients and control ingredients. Juice and cook at home, ask friends and family for help, or find resources locally.

Stock freezer for healthy meals (fresh and not ore-packaged) for bad days.
Movement, exercise, meditation, and breathing exercises to your routine.
Increase filtered water intake and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

Do not be hard on yourself or think that anyone is disappointed that you have not yet started your taper. 
We understand that it’s hard to stop taking Rx antidepressants. 

It’s highly addictive but has no cravings. The goal is to slowly wean off the drug must slower than most Doctors “suggest”. 

We advice to research and stabilize, before attempting to slowly taper off of Rx Antidepressants. Treatment includes detox of the body that can take different lengths of time for different people.  

Inform your Doctor of your plans to start the Doctor approved slower taper method at 2% reduction, to be safer and reduce withdrawal, and the dangerous side effects and injury. The drug can cause black outs, and a well known long list of serious side effects, especially if the dose is suddenly changed.


You are strongly advised to find a doctor who is onboard with safety and Rx pysch drug risks. You won't be able to select doctors in a crisis and we all need a real GP or NP, General or Nurse Practitioners. Read more. 

Use the 10 Step Method and other tips. 

To begin your taper, you must first find your Starting Bead Weight.
You s
tart by finding the average of 3 full cymbalta Duloxetine capsules.  

Weighing the beads from all 3 capsules on the scale then divide by 3 to get the average.

This average weight of 3 Cymbalta capsules is your Starting Bead Weight.


For example:

If you take 30mg a day, you open 3 x 30mg bead capsules, empty the beads into the weighing pan and weigh them.

If you take 60mg a day you weigh out 3 x 60mg capsules.

If you take 30mg twice a day, just weigh out 3 x 30mg and use this as your Starting Bead Weight for both morning and evening Taper Capsules.
Once you have the total weight of 3 capsules, divide by 3 to give you the average.  


This is your Starting Bead Weight.

Your first drop in dose – your first taper weight – is calculated from this starting bead.

It should be a 1 – 5% drop.  (If you have an urgent reason to taper quickly, please post in Support Groups

Every time you taper, you taper from the previous weight.

(Don’t worry about this yet, please see LONG TERM TAPER EXAMPLE below for some calculation examples.)


Open and empty 3 capsules.
Weigh all the beads on your scale.
You can do this individually, or just put all the beads in the dish

Divide this TOTAL weight by 3
Example: the beads from 3 x 30 mg capsules weigh 0.534 (0.181, 0.178 and 0.175 g)
0.534 divided by 3 = 0.178
So 0.178 g is your Starting Bead Weight.


Inform your Doctor, you can now weigh out your Taper Capsules and begin your taper  

It's normal to experience Waves and Windows 
Waves of symptoms and Windows of Relief but it's best to avoid and reduce triggers. 

The Bead Method for Tapering Off Cymbalta Duloxetine and all Rx psych drugs:

 "Here is more information that may help with the bead counting:

Inform Your Doctor of the 5% Maximum Reduction Slow Taper Method Cymbalta Duloxetine requires micro-beads to slow taper and so far there are no taper strips to help, but i hear the Taper Strip Company is working on providing tapering strips for Cymbalta Doluxetine soon. Warning: Cymbalta Duloxetine does not fully dissolve and should not be liquified.

Start slow taper at 2% reduction same dose for one month and see how you feel, before further reduction to reduce many serious risks and suffering adverse reactions, or permanent injury, black outs, suicide, and death.) NOTICE: The 10% reduction rule was lowered to 5% maximum reduction and has been the standard protocol, since at least 2015. Please spread awareness and help save lives. Thank you. 

Inform your doctor of your plans to start a slow taper at 2% reduction same dose for one month, and see how you feel before further reduction. Reduce many serious risks and suffering adverse reactions, or permanent injury, black outs, suicide, disease, and death.



Source: Rx awareness experts, and Drs onboard with safety.  
During tapering reduce no more than 2% to a 5% reduction is advised.
If dose changed or having a lot of side effects, it’s wise to stabilize dose, for at least ten days to 2 weeks, before further reductions, to start.


Reinstatement notes: If you started a new Rx pysch drug within the last 7 days, you are advised to stop without need to slow taper for month and years. Average time to slow taper 30mg is 2.5 years. Yes you read that correctly.
If you've stopped taking any type of Rx psych drugs within the past 21 days, and are experiencing normal to mild side effects, the advice is to reinstate at 25% increase daily, and stabilize for a few weeks, before starting a slow taper.
Do not add more drugs or you will have to taper off more than one drug, while risks increase

During tapering reduce no more than 2% to a 5% is advised. If dose changed or having a lot of side effects, it’s wise to stabilize dose, for at least ten days to 2 weeks, before further reductions, to start.

Psychiatric drug withdrawal and protracted withdrawal syndrome round-up:
Use extreme caution when changing dosage, or weaning off of Cymbalta and all psychotropic drugs. Severe illness due to side effects can happen at anytime during use, and those experiencing no visible adverse reactions are at a higher risk for the dangers and complications of these drugs. The longer one takes them, the higher the risks. 


There are over 500 side effects from Cymbalta Duloxetine and all Rx psych drugs.
See the drug;s manufacturer’s package insert label av
ailable on their company website by drug maker’s listed disclaimers/warnings/side effects. Side effects can last for months to even years and the risks do not decrease simply because the drug is discontinued. Side effects are not tested by the Lilly company after the drug is no longer taken by patients. However, the worst and most dangerous symptoms are most likely to arise while starting the drug, making any dosage changes, and after the drug is no longer being taken. 


Chemicals from Psych drugs can stay in the tissues and the fat in the body for years only to have withdrawal symptoms start or come back at any time.Unfortunately, the effects and imbalances of these drugs can remain for years and many patients are not aware or are confused by the many and often mysterious long list of adverse side effects and symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can occur at any time and can take up to three weeks or longer to appear especially for those who stopped taking the medication abruptly, or by tapering too quickly, or by tapering every other day. 

Never taper every other day because you may end up with withdrawal symptoms every other day. Cymbalta only has a 12 hour half life so withdrawal symptoms can start just hours from when you took your last pill. It is the general consensus that those wanting to wean off of this poison should do so by removing the little beads.

Please also note that you can buy a small scale online, if you would like to weigh the micro-beads", instead of counting them. In order to use the scale method of tapering you will either have to have brand name Cymbalta with the tiny beads or a generic brand such as Teva that also has the tiny beads as well.
Other generics only have a very small number (6 to 15) irregular sized beads or pellets and these kinds of generics can NOT be used for the scale. or the bead counting method.


~Take three capsules apart, and count the number of beads in each of them.
The reason for this is because each capsule does not have the same amount of beads.
This is because some of the beads are fillers so the amount of the beads may vary. 


~When you have counted all three of the capsules add the three amounts, from each capsule together and when you come up with the total amount from all three capsules you will then divide that amount by three. This amount will be the number in which you will start to decrease your percentages by. So, if your count came to 100 beads and you are tapering by 5% this would come to 5 beads.

~Tips for using the bead method: Put a capsule in the refrigerator at least ten to fifteen minutes before handling the beads. This helps to take away the static electricity so that they can be handled better. Use tweezers to pick up the tiny beads. When dumping out the beads from the capsule you may want to get some black felt to pour them on to. They are much easier to see this way and won’t roll around too much.Save the beads for future use and buy some veggie capsules.   

~Remove 5 beads from your capsule and set them aside and keep them. Then take the capsule minus the 5 beads, and do this for at least ten days to two weeks depending on how you are feeling. If you are feeling alright by the end of the first ten days then y

~The next decrease will be 5% of 95 beads because you removed the first five the weeks before. So, the next decrease will be from 5% of the beads (95) that you removed from the week before and so on. If, at any time you are feeling any withdrawal symptoms wait until you are feeling better and when you are ready to do another decrease then lower your percentage that you were previously tapering by.
For example, if you were tapering at 5% and felt withdrawal symptoms then you may want to lower your percentage to 2.5% for the next decrease. Some people can only handle a 1% decrease each time!

Always remember to take the micro-beads with a capsule! You can buy extra veggie capsules at your local store or online. 


~Also note that the bead method can only be used with brand name Cymbalta with the multiple tiny mircro-beads and with the generic brands that also have the multiple tiny beads. Require your pharmacy to not change brands. 

~There are some generic brands that have irregular sized beads in them and there are only approximately 6 to 15 of them depending on the manufacturer. This type of generic can not be tapered by the bead method. If you can, you may want to see if your pharmacist can switch you to a generic brand with the multiple tiny beads such as Teva etc., or you can use a compounding pharmacy such as (for the United States only).
This pharmacy is owned by pharmacist Roy Katz and he and his team are very knowledgeable about compounding Cymbalta.


~Also note that as you get down lower on your dosage during your taper you may find that you will have to slow down your taper and also lower your percentage that you were tapering by. This is normal. Taper all the way down to the very last bead and hold for at least two weeks before stopping. It is also common to experience withdrawal symptoms after your taper is over but they are nowhere near what they would have been if you had stopped taking Cymbalta abruptly.

~Never crush any beads and take them! This is not good for the stomach and the acid in the stomach may kill the medication. This could throw you into withdrawal.

Remember to taper down to the very last bead. I didn't get to slow taper. I advise to slow taper before you experience problems. It's harder to taper after side affects start, and the drug's manufacturers instructions indicate to STOP if severe side effects, allergic reactions and other certain situations. Tapering is advised by the drug companies, but they all refuse to include how to taper off safely. 

I hear the last few reductions are surprisingly difficult for some people, so go slow. 
It is not ok to stop tapering at 5 or 10 mgs because this can throw you into withdrawal or life threatening serotonin syndrome and a long list of problems that may not be discovered for months or years after.


~Also note that as you get down lower on your dosage during your taper you may find that you will have to slow down your taper and also lower your percentage that you were tapering by. This is normal. Taper all the way down to the very last bead and hold for at least two weeks before stopping. It is also common to experience withdrawal symptoms after your taper is over but they are nowhere near what they would have been if you had stopped taking Cymbalta abruptly. 

~Never crush any beads and take them! This is not good for the stomach and the acid in the stomach may kill the medication. This could throw you into withdrawal.

Tips for using the bead method: Put a capsule in the refrigerator at least ten to fifteen minutes before handling the beads. This helps to take away the static electricity so that they can be handled better. Use tweezers to pick up the tiny beads. When dumping out the beads from the capsule you may want to get some black felt to pour them on to. They are much easier to see this way and won’t roll around too much. Save the beads for future use and buy some veggie caps from your local store or online.

Remember to taper down to the very last bead.
Most people taper too quickly. 

It is not ok to stop tapering at 5 or 10 mgs because this can throw you into withdrawal! 

and Rx awareness experts, 
and doctors who are onboard with safety, normal protocols, documentation, and patient rights.  

The Scale Method
Weighing Cymbalta micro-beads for tapering 
Cymbalta Duloxetine is particularly difficult to taper for meany reasons.
Cymbalta Duloxetine requires micro-beads to slow taper, so you may need to change your prescription. 
Inform your pharmacists to avoid changing brands while you are taking the drug. 


What is the Scale Method?
For the Scale Method you use a very sensitive scale (usually for jewelry) and weigh out your taper doses.
No need to count beads!  
Instead, you weigh out your new taper doses.

The beads inside a capsule of Cymbalta are tiny and very light.  Many people find it easier to weigh them.

Your new scale must weigh to 0.001g (i.e. true weight in milligrams).
1.000g is 1 gram, so 0.001g is 1 milligram.
The scale must sense the tiniest weight.  0.001g usually registers around 3-5 beads.
A scale with a Calibration Weight is even better.
This is used to “reprogram” the scale for the first use and after regular use.
It makes sure the scale stays accurate.

Buy a scale with a tiny dish if you can; then you can tip the beads from this dish through a funnel into your new capsules.

Members are quite creative with the other things they use but here are some recommendations:

Replacement capsules (vegetarian are available).
You may break your Cymbalta Duloxetine capsule when getting the micro-beads out.
Dishes to hold your beads and empty capsules.
You will have to open several Cymbalta capsules, so tip all the beads into one dish.
Pick one that you can tip sideways yet can carefully slide beads out of onto your Scale Dish (e.g. dishes for dipping, ramekins).

A tool to gently slide beads from your bead dish to the Scale Dish – spatulas or tweezers can be good for this.
A tiny funnel to tip your beads from the Scale Dish into your empty taper capsule.
A capsule holder –from the internet or a DIY store – something
to hold the longer end of an empty capsule vertically while you use a funnel to tip the beads from your Scale Dish into it quickly and without losing any beads.
Some people make their own capsule holders, others are able to hold the empty capsule and funnel in one hand and tip the beads in with the other.

Here are the operating instructions for just one of several scales on the market, edited for use with beads.

Please read all operating instructions carefully before use.
Only operate the scale on a stable, vibration free surface.

Never load the scale with more than the maximum capacity.
Avoid any exposure to extreme heat or cold.
Allow the scale to adjust to normal room temperature for at least one hour before use.
This will let the internal components stabilize.
Keep your scale in a clean environment free from dust, dirt, moisture, vibration, air currents and other electronic equipment.
Handle with care: avoid shaking, dropping or otherwise shocking the sc

Using TARE, you can subtract the weight of a container.
Turn the scale on.
Place the "tare item" (your empty bead dish) on the platform.
Press [TARE] and wait until "0.000g" is displayed.
Now add your beads to the container.

Calibration is not required before first use but it is probably safest to do it anyway.
Turn the scale on.
Once the scale is at zero, press and hold the [ON] key for about 3 seconds.
The display will go blank briefly, then flash “0”. Now release the [ON] key.
The display will show “10.000” and the “g” indicator will be flashing.
Place the 10g Calibration Weight on the center of the platform and wait until the “g” indicator stops flashing. Calibration is complete.

The main reasons for inaccuracy or malfunction are low batteries, incorrect calibration,
overload or operating on an unstable surface.

Problems with your scale?
Try this: Take the battery out and reinsert, or does it need a new battery?
Put the Scale Dish on, press TARE and start again.

Prepare all the capsules you need for your taper – 7 for one week, 14 for 2 weeks, 21 for three weeks, 28 for 4 weeks. 
It will get easier the more you do.

As the scale is so sensitive, do not touch it while weighing.

How do I work out the weight for my first Taper Capsules?
This will depend on your chosen percentage taper rate. 5% is a common place to start, but so are 3% and 2.5%.

Let's use the Starting Bead Weight of 0.178g.

Use a calculator to work out the weight you will need.
We need to find a weight to just 3 decimal places only.

Your calculator will give you more decimal places than you need.

You only need to look at the THREE digits immediately after the decimal point.


Put these figures and symbols into your calculator:

178 – 2.5% = 0.173
178 – 5% = 0.169

Depending on your chosen percentage taper rate, you need to weigh out your beads as follows:

2.5% = 0.173g
5% = 0.169g

Create however many new capsules you will need for your your taper period. If you plan to hold for 14 days you make 14 new capsules of this weight.

The normal hold is 2 to 6 weeks between dose reductions.
See how you feel before reducing further.
Show your doctor and your supporters, the drug leaflets say to discontinue if severe side effects or allergic reaction. 

Do not try tapering faster! Some people hold doses for longer, or reduce dosage by as little as 1%. 

How do I weigh? Can you take me through it step by step?
Get all your equipment together (scale, empty capsules, Cymbalta capsules, funnel, tweezers or spatula, dishes, capsule holder).
Sit in a place where you will be comfortable, out of a draught, away from children and pets.
You need a level surface and plenty of space for all your equipment.

Sitting at a table is best.
Working on your lap will affect the scale.

Turn on your scale. Calibrate it according to your sc
ale instructions.
Do this the very first time you use the scale, then every 4-5 uses afterwards to keep it as precise as possible.

Place the Scale Dish on the scale, press TARE.
Make sure your display shows 0.000g
Open your Cymbalta capsules, pour all the beads into a dish (the Bead Dish).
Place the longer half of the empty capsule / vegetarian capsule into your capsule holder.
Carefully move the beads from your Bead Dish onto the Scale Dish, until you reach the weight for your new taper capsule.
Once you reach that weight, use the funnel to tip the beads from your Scale Dish into the empty taper capsule.
Pick up the taper capsule with the beads in it very carefully, place the other end on top and push till it clicks shut.

If you go over the weight you need for your taper capsule by accident (It’s easy to do!) then just tip all the beads back from the Scale Dish into your Bead dish.

Place the Scale Dish back on the scale and press TARE again. This ensures you start again from 0.000g.  Now try again.

This is better than guessing how to hit the right weight. That will likely affect the scale weight. Just start again to get the exact weight you need.

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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