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Pillars of Justice

Patient Rights to Demand Treatment
Patient Rights to Refuse Treatments

The Definition of the FDA Black Box Warning Label

The first Rx psych drug awareness graphic I made to spread awareness, help the public and survivors to make more informed decisions, reduce injury, suicide, suffering, and save lives. 

I truly wish my doctors, or anyone would have shown me the definition of theFDA BLACK BOX WARNING LABEL, because had i known of a risk to my life, I would never have tried the drugs. 

All my doctors should have showed me the warnings listed, but looking back my doctors, pharmacies, even my FM groups were intentionally hiding the leaflets.

Some FM and other groups do not allow to post drug warnings, results of drug lawsuits, the drug interactions checker, reports of side effects or injury, or the 5% slow taper method. 

That's called dangerous censorship. Many drug companies hire people to admins facebook support groups, and their members are unaware, and their risks increase. 

Find our growing list of safe Support group recommendations. This is the first Rx psych drug awareness graphic I made to spread awareness, help the public and survivors to make more informed decisions, reduce injury, suicide, suffering, and save lives. 




Posted in Access to Treatment | August 6, 2013  

Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D.

Adjunct Professor, Columbia/Mailman School of Public Health

Medical Editor for Mental Health, Huffington Post/AOL

All patients have both a right to treatment and a right to refuse treatment.
These rights sometimes become the centerpiece of debate and dispute for people who are hospitalized with an acute psychiatric illness.

The Right to Treatmentsederer

There is a long legal history on the right to treatment. Much of the law derives from court cases in the previous century involving people who were admitted to state psychiatric hospitals where they languished without proper treatment, sometimes for many years. Laws compelling a right-to-treatment law developed and became instrumental to the quality-controlled public psychiatric hospitals that exist today. In fact, in order for public psychiatric hospitals to receive Medicare and Medicaid (and other third-party) payment, they must obtain the same national certification as academic medical centers and local community hospitals. For patients and families, this means that a person admitted to a public psychiatric hospital has a right to receive—and should receive—the standard of care delivered in any accredited psychiatric setting.

The Right to Refuse Treatment

It may seem odd that a person can be involuntarily admitted, or “committed,” to a hospital and then refuse treatment. But the right to refuse treatment is also fundamental to the legal requirements for psychiatric treatment.


Someone who enters a hospital voluntarily and shows no imminent risk of danger to self or others may express the right to refuse treatment by stating he or she wants to leave the hospital. But a person admitted involuntarily, due to danger to self or others, cannot leave, at least not right away. However, despite having the authority to keep the patient in the hospital, the professional staff cannot treat the person against his or her will, except by court order.

The concept of a right to refuse treatment was built on basic rights to privacy, equal protection under the law, and due process. In other words, involuntarily hospitalized patients still have a right to decide what happens to their bodies.


Unfortunately, the right to refuse treatment can, and does, result in some patients being locked up in a hospital where doctors then cannot proceed with treatment. What’s worse, and deeply ironic, is that insurance companies may refuse to pay, stating there is “no active treatment.” This state of financial affairs, by and large, does not happen in state psychiatric hospitals, which represent the true safety net of services for people with serious and persistent mental illnesses, because these hospitals are not wholly dependent on insurance payment and cannot refuse to treat someone who cannot pay.


Exceptions to the Rule

There are exceptions to a patient’s right to refuse treatment. In an emergency, all bets are off. A doctor may provide involuntary treatment, usually a medication given by injection or by mouth, but only to control the emergency—which, again, is defined as “an imminent danger to self or others.” Whatever treatment is provided in an emergency cannot be continued after the immediate danger has passed, unless the patient agrees and gives informed consent. Clinicians cannot continue the medication, even if it could prevent another emergency situation; the patient has the right to decide whether to continue or not.

For involuntary treatment (treatment without consent) to be delivered outside of an acute emergency, the doctor and hospital must petition a court to order it. Laws vary from state to state and, of course, no two judges are alike.

Generally, judges rule in favor of well-prepared doctors and hospitals that show that

the treatment is necessary for safety and recovery;

All efforts at voluntary treatment were exhausted;

family and others were engaged to help persuade the patient to accept care (and were not successful); and

the benefits of treatment are likely to outweigh its risks.

Inpatient stays often last several weeks (or months) longer if court-ordered treatment is required. Notably, as clinicians have seen, once a court order is obtained, almost all patients comply with treatment within a day or so, and then, hopefully, proceed to respond to treatment.


We need better solutions than coercion—whether it is involuntary commitment by doctors (or courts) or involuntary treatment (ordered by courts).

As I wrote in the Wall Street Journal earlier this year, “[good intentions spawned [laws that protect patient privacy], but in practice they can interfere with or delay the delivery of necessary care and crucial communication between caregivers and families [. . .]
[L]aws are made to serve the people. Let’s ask the families of people with serious mental illnesses what changes in law and clinical practices could better help their family members.”


What changes, if any, do you think will facilitate effective emergency care for people with mental health conditions that impair their decision-making abilities?

What do you think is the appropriate role of families and physicians in treatment decisions?

Have you or a loved one created an advance directive, a plan that designates someone to make decisions in emergency situations when decision-making is impaired?

How can we encourage people with mood disorders and their mental health providers to make advance planning a part of the treatment and recovery process? "




Individuals’ Right under HIPAA to Access their Health Information

Individuals’ Right under HIPAA to Access their Health Information

This guidance remains in effect only to the extent that it is consistent with the court's order in Ciox Health, LLC v. Azar, No. 18-cv-0040 (D.D.C. January 23, 2020), which may be found at

More information about the order is available at

Any provision within this guidance that has been vacated by the Ciox Health decision is rescinded.

Newly Released FAQs on Access Guidance

New Clarification – $6.50 Flat Rate Option is Not a Cap on Fees for Copies of PHI


Providing individuals with easy access to their health information empowers them to be more in control of decisions regarding their health and well-being. 

For example, individuals with access to their health information are better able to monitor chronic conditions, adhere to treatment plans, find and fix errors in their health records, track progress in wellness or disease management programs, and directly contribute their information to research. With the increasing use of and continued advances in health information technology, individuals have ever expanding and innovative opportunities t
o access their health information electronically, more quickly and easily, in real time and on demand. Putting individuals "in the driver's seat" with respect to their health also is a key component of health reform and the movement to a more patient-centered health care system.

The regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which protect the privacy and security of individuals' identifiable health information and establish an array of individual rights with respect to health information, have always recognized the importance of providing individuals with the ability to access and obtain a copy of their health information. 

With limited exceptions, the HIPAA Privacy Rule (the Privacy Rule) provides individuals with a legal, enforceable right to see and receive copies upon request of the information in their medical and other health records maintained by their health care providers and health plans...."

Follow link for more details, here:


Click here for tip to order your medical records free. 

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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