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Judge Gavel

Results of Drug Lawsuits

The Definition of the FDA Black Box Warning Label

The first Rx psych drug awareness graphic I made to spread awareness, help the public and survivors to make more informed decisions, reduce injury, suicide, suffering, and save lives. 

I truly wish my doctors, or anyone would have shown me the definition of theFDA BLACK BOX WARNING LABEL, because had i known of a risk to my life, I would never have tried the drugs. 

All my doctors should have showed me the warnings listed, but looking back my doctors, pharmacies, even my FM groups were intentionally hiding the leaflets.

Some FM and other groups do not allow to post drug warnings, results of drug lawsuits, the drug interactions checker, reports of side effects or injury, or the 5% slow taper method. 

That's called dangerous censorship. Many drug companies hire people to admins facebook support groups, and their members are unaware, and their risks increase. 

Find our growing list of safe Support group recommendations. This is the first Rx psych drug awareness graphic I made to spread awareness, help the public and survivors to make more informed decisions, reduce injury, suicide, suffering, and save lives. 

Results of Rx Drug Lawsuits

Cymbalta Class Action Lawsuit Offer Letter in Settlement. 


Cymbalta Lawsuit Offer in Settlement Letter (1 of 7 photos)
Filed claims to personal injury with thou
sands of others injured,
or surviving new parents, and loved ones of those who did not survive.
Plaintiffs filed in court in my case 8/2014
Letter in settlement offer, 2/2018.

Case closed 5/2018, after my eloquent rejection to the drug company's attempts to silence the victims by offering money with the stipulations to never blame or sue the Lilly company again, in the future, forever! I am not limited, nor did i never intended to accept BLOOD / HUSH money, from the start.
my goal was to be counted, and force the drug company to answer to authorities.
My Cymbalta Lawsuit Drug Co Letter of offer in Settlement


★Result of the lawsuits: Increased public awareness, and I'd like to point out, i see the Lilly company amended/updated the the Lilly Drug company's 37 page Cymbalta Duloxetine's manufacturer's warning package insert to add increased lethality and injury warnings re:


★ALLERGIC REACTIONS, in 2016. Remember the drug company won the case and still offered money and increased warnings with no announcement or notification. Pretty sneaky.

Please thank me by reading the drug warnings on the long warning labels, not the abreiviated pharmacy print out, and using the 7 step method to document and regain control of your hired healthcare services and medical reords, and INFORM YOUR DRS and others, OF THE INCREASED WARNINGS AND NEW CHANGES.

These changes and warnings are not because the drug company cares about your safety.
Be aware that warnings are disclaimers, put in place, so we can't sue and win, in most cases.

The problems:

Most doctors who prescribe psych drugs, do not document to protect themselves, other drs and the drug companies.
Patients do not create self created documentation, in their records.
TheFDA insists only 1% of patients are harmed, but that's because few patients write formal reports. 
The law firms claimed up to 78% suffered enough to attempt discontinuation.
The president of the usa in 2016 appointed Monsanto and big drug company executives to the and

The reports to FDA and medical boards, and other authorities are going unreported, but even when we do report, we're not included.

Solution: The 10 step method.

Lilly company has me on the list of plaintiffs who rejected their filthy money and gags.

Pay OFFS - That's exactly how pushers and street dealers operate, btw. Hooked on false promises and information, and when you're harmed by their drugs, these pusher Drs and drug companies, sweep the negative reports of all adverse results of treatment, and are nowhere to be found.

My Cymbalta Lawsuit Drug Co Letter of offer in Settlement

Notice how we don't see the Cymbalta Ads on TV anymore, for several years?
Your welcome! Regardless of if we accepted the settlement offer or rejected it, the company, media, and medical communities are covering up suicided, murder, infant deaths and deformities, and causing havoc and suffering.


Anti-Depressants/America Killing people (an old TV commercial).
Watch ads with your new awareness:
I apologize: Youtube has removed the Cymbalta TV Commercial 


My Personal Legal Documents
Click to ENLARGE

Cymbalta Withdrawal Litigation Unsealed Documents
We are no longer accepting new Cymbalta withdrawal cases.

  • Well the Lilly co paid off at least 80% of us plaintiffs for silence. so yes that might explain it?​

  • My legal docs posted for all to see. Yes, included are the insulting low amount and lifetime limitations are offered me by the drug company.. ..and the law firm gets over 1/2 of awards and settlements. I rejected the offer and limtations, and free to share my insight and experience, and expertise. My 7 step method and other tips collected are most effective, easy and free.

Conclusion with evidence Rx Psych Drugs are AddictIve. This is the General Definition of Addiction, and we ask you to share related links and info on the topic below.


Your contributions are appreciated, as we adapt current support for other RECOVERY COMMUNITIES

Exhibit 4 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor DiscontinuationSyndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial

DECLARATION OF JOSEPH GLENMULLEN, M.D.I, Joseph Glenmullen, M.D., do hereby declare and state:
1. My name is Joseph Glenmullen.

I am a Medical Doctor. I am agraduate of and clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Iearned my Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, from Brown University in 1972. Iam Board Certified in Psychiatry. I have also been in private clinical practice since1986, and served as a psychiatrist for staff, students, and faculty at the HarvardLaw School Health Services for 20 years.

A copy of my current CV is attached hereto as Exhibit A.2. I have taught and supervised medical students, social work interns, psychology fellows, and psychiatry residents at Cambridge Hospital/ Harvard Medical School since 1988 and I have given lectures to residents in advanced psychopharmacology on antidepressant withdrawal.3. I am a member on the Board of Directors of the New EnglandDivision of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and a member of theAmerican Association of Suicidology.

I am the author of two books on the side effects of antidepressants: Prozac Backlash: Overcoming the Dangers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Other Antidepressants with Safe, Effective Alternatives and TheAntidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely OvercomingAntidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and “Addiction.” I have been an invitedlCase 1:14-cv-01614-AJT-JFA Document 126-2 Filed 07/10/15 Page 234 of 246 PageID# 8464

Susanne Lee/AM/LLY
To David G Perahia/EMA/LLY@Lilly 12/22/2010 11:15 AM
cc bcc
Re: Question on DEACs.'jThanks David. That is interesting about the placebo patients.Take care,SusanneDavid G Perahia/EMA/LLYDavid G Perahia/EMA/LLY12/22/2010 10:39 AMTo Susanne Lee/AM/LLY@LILLY ccSubject Re: Question on Dear Sir./lHi Susanne,

I'm around - not on vacation until Friday p.m.
I'm not aware that we systematically collected further information on those patients whose DEAEs hadn't resolved prior to the final contact.

You're right that more than 50% of patients who experienced a DEAE after stopping duloxetine reported that their DEAEs were unresolved at the final contact. Interestingly, however, this was also the case for patients who reported DEAEs after discontinuing placebo treatment - more than 1 in 5 placebo-treated patients in the acute studies examined in the manuscript reported at least one DEAE on discontinuation of placebo, and of these patients more than 50% reported that their DEAEs were unresolved at the final contact.

Best wishes,David.Susanne Lee/AM/LLYSusanne Lee/AM/LLY22/12/2010 15:09
To cc Subject David G Perahia/EMA/LLY@Lilly Question on DEAEsj.||

Hi David,I hope you are enjoying your time off and having a wonderful holiday! I wanted to send this email off to you before I forget...I was speaking with a physician today who was having trouble with DEAE in a patient of his. I spoke from your DEAE manuscript re: onset and duration of the symptoms. Part of the issue was that he was "tapering" by having his patient take a 30 mg dose every 3rd day, and her symptoms would start

Case 1:14-cv-01614-AJT-JFA Document 126-2
Filed 07/10/15 Page 194 of 246 PageID# 8424around day 2.
So he hasn't really tried to let her come off of it. From the manuscript, it seems like the DEAEs were allowed to run their course. His concern was that, if only overall 45.1% of DEAEs were resolved prior to final contact, what was the outcome of the other 50+% of patients? I told him I'd follow-up and see if any of our CRPs would know...but did explain that we may not have that data since our lead-out period for collection of DEAEs was 1-2 weeks. Do you have any wisdom to share with me on this one?

Document 126-2 Filed 07/10/15 Page 195 of 246 PageID# 8425


Exhibit 32: Deposition of Christine Phillips PhD

Cymbalta Withdrawal Litigation Unsealed Documents
We are no longer accepting new Cymbalta withdrawal cases.

More on the "Definition of Addiction":

(1 of 4) Website screenshots to clarify the definition of "Addiction". Please don't be mad at me, I was lied to, as well. We're using proper terminology in this group and to manage our hired healthcare services, and medical records to regain control our patient rights without arguments or confrontation, or litigation necessary.

The first step is to recognize the addiction.

Please be respectful, as you vent or express your outrage toward those truly responsible, who mislead us all, for money/profit/payouts and perks.

We have a lot to Discuss so lets start, here.

More added asap.

Marijuana is arguably addicted, to clarify, but it won't kill you, if you stop using it, as Rx psych/antidepressant product insert labels warn.

Source is contributed by a group member, and appears to be a marketing source of information, so keep this in mind as our community needs are intentionally breezed over and overlooked. However, this is another source and clarifies, yet you'll notice some information is incomplete:

"chem·i·cal de·pend·en·cy
addiction to a mood- or mind-altering drug, such as alcohol or cocaine."

Pysch drugs are mood mind altering drugs.

Addiction: Types, Causes, and Solutions

Video on Addition:
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong



Mhana was a plaintiff in the most recent Cymbalta ma
ss tort personal injury class action
Cymbalta lawsuit with approximately 50,000 other plaintiff survivors, and families of those who unfortunately did
not survive Rx Cymbalta.
(those who took the generic Duloxetine or lived outside of certain states, or other requirements, did not qualify)

While the lawsuit is over, the results of increased warnings is the result. 

The results of the Cymbalta and other drug lawsuits are not highly publicized. Most support groups do not allow any drug facts or awareness regarding Rx psych drugs.
We helped increase the warnings from 31 pages to 37 pages in length.
Unfortunately most pharmacies do not provide the drug's warnings leaflets,
or few people would state Rx psych drugs or certain other drugs. 

Since the the lawsuits, we have developed more knowledge and understanding through the many thousands of posts and comments in the group, along with reports and research documented in the media, over the past 10 years from sources as far back as the 1930s. 

Our recommendations are now based on that and are constantly monitored by moderators and admin. (See the group's files for information on the bead counting method, and scale method of tapering, and custom compounding clinics.)

Disclaimer: Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them. Ideally, withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision. The key is to find a practitioner who knows what s/he is doing. This is a community of people- mostly non-professional who are sharing their personal stories and is not meant to replace working with a knowledgeable doctor.

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE! We do not employ doctors or licensed medical professionals, so we do not provide medical advice.
Nothing presented here is a substitute for the advice of a DOCTOR or other licensed health care provider.
Never stop, start or add medications or supplements to your health or mental health care regime without first checking for interactions or other problems, and thoroughly researching the substance. Before you employ any information here, consult your health care professional. No information here is the result of valid clinical trials.
Doctors and pharmacies are not obligated to warn. 
The responsibility to research prescription drugs lies solely on the consumer, or careprovider. 

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